Thursday, March 24, 2016

Readying for Easter!

I haven't found any new tea-themed Easter postcards this year, so I decided to make a collage using some of the ones I've collected in the past. I love how all of these designs feature those pretty little yellow Easter chicks, and I like the soft colors of these cards as well. 

I must confess I was tempted when I went into a local feed and seed store last week—I was looking for plants, not pets—and heard that little cheep-cheep sound I recall from when we had chickens when I was a little girl. But I quickly realized my husband would think I'd lost my mind if I came home with baby chickens, so I left them for someone else.

The yellow teawares always come out at my house at this time of year, but I'd love to create a robin's egg blue vignette similar to those sweet Easter scenes featured here. Do you have any special Easter decor out at your house? 


  1. Happy Easter! The weather forecast for KY looks good.

  2. Those chicks are darling - but I think you were wise to stick with these and leave the real ones for someone else. I have my little tree that holds tea ornaments at Christmas, decorated with colorful eggs and butterflies, and am working on a table setting for Easter. I hope the rest of Holy Week is very meaningful for you and you will celebrate a happy Easter.

  3. Happy Easter Angela...I have just what's on my blog, as don't have a lot of storage space, so tends to be repeats. Love your Easter postcard collage!...they are hard to find!

  4. Lovely collage of vintage Easter postcards. Wishing you a blessed Easter!

  5. Those Easter postcards are simply adorable! I love the one with the pink teacup with the peeps tucked inside of it! So sweet. Happy Easter!

  6. Sweet cards! I do have a few Easter things out and will decorate the table for Sunday's dinner tomorrow.

  7. Cute collage. I do not have any Easter decorations other than pictures the boys have colored.

  8. I always enjoy looking at your vintage cards. I used to display all the bunnies I'd collected over several years from Avon. This would have been in the late '70s through the '80s I guess. Somewhere along the line, they were packed up and have yet to be found. I'm sure they're here, somewhere, and would like to hop out of their boxes and back onto my table to see and be seen. Maybe one of these Easters they'll do just that.

  9. Lovely cards, Angela - Happy Easter! Joanie


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