The Tea Party Book
By Lucille Recht Penner
Random House, 1993
"The Tea Party Book" by Lucille Recht Penner was actually written for little girls, but my friend Krista gave a copy to this big girl in 1994 and I have treasured it ever since! Aside from the beautiful illustrations (which are by Jody Wheeler), the book also includes recipes, menus and decorating ideas that will benefit tea-loving readers of all ages.
Some of the ideas are so simple, I can't believe I haven't come across them before, like this one: "Put a stencil on a cookie or a slice of cake. Sprinkle powdered sugar on it, take the stencil away, and you'll have a delicious design!" Now that's certainly doable! I also like the idea of using a cookie cutter to cut slices of angel food cake, although I imagine thin slices of pound cake would work well too. Most of the ideas are easy enough that a young girl should be able to do them herself, though occasionally the book instructs the reader to "ask an adult to help." (And hey, even we adults can use help sometimes!)
The book's themed teas include a Teddy Bear Tea, a Tea by the Sea, and an especially charming Japanese Tea Party young girls would surely enjoy since they are encouraged to dine with their shoes off!
I like having children's books in my tea library, and this sentimental favorite is a great reminder that teatime is the perfect way to entertain no matter what age you are.