Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Jazzed about an unexpected gift
Monday, August 30, 2010
It's fun being square!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Tea & Books Saturday #35: "My Cup of Tea"

My Cup of Tea
By Sam Twining
2002, James and James, London
Any serious tea lover is acquainted with the name Twining, and Sam Twining's delightful book about tea is certainly one tea lovers would do well to seek out. I don't know if you have a favorite Twinings tea, but mine is undoubtedly the Earl Grey in the familar golden tin, and it is the Earl Grey by which I judge all others!
"My Cup of Tea" is based on the tea lectures Sam Twining has given, and its friendly, chatty tone makes it a particularly pleasant read. For instance, he notes that tea was first imported by the East India Company in 1669 and then says, "The next part of the story is hard to believe. Tea had many enemies, in the form of the clergy, doctors and brewers. The clergy said, as tea came from a heathen country, it was a sinful drink. Doctors said it was bad for you. And far, far worse, brewers lobbied the government and claimed that tea would replace ale at breakfast!"
Twining also offered a little more insight into the "raised pinky" symbol that most of us now know is an affected gesture, not a sign of proper tea etiquette. Noting that English ladies had fallen in love with China's translucent white teawares when they hit the market, he says the women were "even being painted with a tea bowl in the hand, held by the thumb underneath and two fingers on the rim, leaving the little finger, the pinky, at an affected angle." If you've ever held a guywan (a handle-less cup and saucer with a lid), it's easy to imagine that pinky sticking out!
If you like to see lots of images of teawares, this book will not disappoint. I loved seeing the Worcester tea service from 1795-1800, a set which featured handle-less teacups and also a teapot with its own special saucer. Other items pictured include mote spoons (for unclogging leaves from a teapot's spout) and sugar nips (for breaking off pieces of sugar).
Do you know who Anna Maria Stanhope was? I'm not sure I'd ever heard this complete name of Anna, Duchess of Bedford, who gave us the tradition of afternoon tea. She is believed to have introduced the young Queen Victoria to afternoon tea, and the book includes a photo of the queen and her family at tea in 1887.
The book winds up way too quickly, and I even enjoyed Twining's final chapter on "How to Make a Really Good Cup of Tea." He says, "Never take sugar in your tea as it numbs the palate and takes away the taste of tea. Change to a fruit tea if you want something sweeter." I found that ironic since I love a little sugar and milk in a good strong cup of Twinings Earl Grey! That small disagreement aside, I greatly enjoyed hearing from a man who is truly a household name in tea!
Friday, August 27, 2010
A most welcome thank-you gift
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Pomegranate Green Tea Shampoo & Conditioner

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tea-themed school folders

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
More tea for the jewelry box

Monday, August 23, 2010
A teapot potholder, at long last
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Tea and Books Saturday #34 - "A Passion for Tea"

A Passion for Tea
By Hattie Ellis
Ryland Peters & Small, 2006
"A Passion for Tea" by Hattie Ellis is a small gift book which retails for $9.95, but I once came across a stack of these for giveaway prices at Michaels, and several of my friends received this bargain book as a result! If you're looking for a gift for a new tea friend and want the shortest book with the clearest, simplest explanation of the history and production of tea, this is it.
"All teas start from green leaves," Ellis writes. "It is processing that determines whether they are black, green or oolong." She goes on to briefly describe the processes by which the various types of tea are made. I thought it was interesting she refers to Japanese tea as "the white wine of brews." And if I'd ever read this before, I had certainly forgotten that the word "oolong" is Chinese for "black dragon." (I'm glad we now use "oolong," because it wouldn't feel as comforting to me to sit around sipping some "black dragon.")
In a section on buying and storing tea, Ellis writes that tea is best kept fresh in larger quantities. Don't know that I've come across that before. (Do know that I probably won't be buying my own tea in any larger quantities. I have too large a tea stash as it is!) The book also includes a few recipes (Chai Masala, Earl Grey Punch, North African Mint Tea) and a directory of resources. One of the most noteworthy things about this book, however, is its wonderful photography (by Debi Treloar), and I think tea lovers old and new will be inspired by the dreamy, wistful quality of many of the photos. All in all, just a fun and fine little book!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Summer 2010 Tea A Magazine

Editor Pearl Dexter often shares news of her own tea travels in the magazine, and this issue is no exception. She writes of going to India for a friend's wedding, and she also tells of visiting organic tea fields in southern India. At the organic nursery, she says, "Here they graft two different quality 'clonal' plants and nurture them up to 18 months before planting them in the fields. The young plants are covered by PVC to maintain humidity and temperature and to avoid frequent watering for the first seven to nine months. Then for the last several months the plants are exposed." The photos, too, are just terrific and truly make me want to visit!
In addition to the tea cake this issue has recipes for Tea-Grilled Chicken Wings with Hot Green Dipping Sauce, and for Jasmine Tea and Brandied Fruit Sangria. Eve Hill has a brief but fascinating feature on Wedgwood teawares and the biblical inspiration behind some of the designs. There's a piece on Breakfast Tea blends, and there are book reviews of three new tea books I've never heard of. So if you don't already have a subscription to this informative magazine, I highly recommend either subscribing or seeking out the new issue of Tea A Magazine.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Arnold Palmer Lite Iced Tea Lemonade

So a few years ago, I was at my friend Beth's home enjoying a fine homemade meal when she served up one of the yummiest, sweetest drinks I've ever had, a beverage she calls Lemonade Tea. Years later, I heard Food Network star Paula Deen refer to this same half-tea-and-half-lemonade drink as an "Arnold Palmer," and while I accept the fact that Mr. Palmer too enjoys mixing lemonade and tea (a swell idea), I must say I will always associate this drink with my friend Beth. I'd actually been craving some of this tea, so I couldn't help taking home a container of this Arnold Palmer Lite when I came across it at Publix this week.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
A trip to World Market
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Small (tea) blessings

Monday, August 16, 2010
A different kind of floral teapot
Tea craft
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Tea & Books Saturday #33: "Mariage Frères French Tea"

Mariage Frères French Tea
By Alain Stella
Flammarion, 2003/2009
Lots of women who've never been to France dream of going one day, but I'm not among them. I've simply never had a desire to go. When I went to England a few years back I could have signed up for an optional trip to Paris, but I said no thanks. It just didn't interest me. And I say all that just so you'll know that I approached the book "Mariage Frères French Tea" not as some starry-eyed Francophile but simply as someone who wanted to know more about the company's tea. Now, I'm so smitten by what I learned about French tea that a visit to their Rue du Bourg-Tibourg location in Paris is on my Bucket List and I can hardly believe it myself!

If you're like me, you never see the word "Mariage" without wanting to drop an extra "r" in the middle. I'm so glad the author got that issue out of the way early on by describing the genesis of the company name. "Contrary to expectation, the name has nothing to do with marriage or nuptials of any kind. It comes from the old French verb maréier, 'to run the seas,' mer being French for sea. In a nautical context, a maréage was a sailor's contract for the run, that is to say a set wage for a given voyage regardless of how long it lasted." The family's name was spelled different ways over the years -- Marage, Maroige, Mariage, Maraige -- and eventually Mariage became the permanent choice.
The book tells how the company evolved over the years, beginning with brothers Pierre and Nicolas Mariage, who were first to trade in "exotic goods." The author says that "in the 1660s, Pierre was sent to Madagascar on a mission for the French East India Company, while Nicolas made several trips to Persia and India before being named part of an official deputation sent by Louis XIV to sign a trade agreement with the Shah of Persia," and it is likely they were already interested in tea. Fast forward through a few centuries and you come to Marthe Cottin, born in 1901 to Léon Cottin and Marie Mariage. Marthe Cottin, who had no children, was the last member of the family to run the business and retired in 1983. I was fascinated to learn about her hand in the company and her selection of the two young men she found to serve as her successors and the company's new owners, the Dutchman Richard Bueno (who is now deceased) and Kitti Cha Sangmanee of Thailand. I was quite impressed to learn of the many tea customs and conventions for which we must thank these men. The categories of white tea, red tea, blue tea? Mariage Frères was first to designate those. The use of tea as an ingredient in cooking? Mariage Frères was first to try it (and the book includes a few of their recipes). Tea-scented candles? Mariage Frères was first to create some.
Because this book is larger than the usual volume on tea (about 10 x 9 inches), the wonderful photography is shown to great advantage. When I got to page 37 and saw Francis Hammond's magnificent photograph of a Thai Beauty tea leaf, I literally sat and stared in amazement. I've seen (and taken) so many bad photographs over the years, I am extra appreciative of good photography. How on earth he got a single tea leaf to pose so brilliantly, so seductively against that black-black background I'll never understand. Bravo!
I ended my reading of this truly amazing book with, of course, an armchair visit via the website of Mariage Frères. Until I can get to Rue du Bourg-Tibourg, it will have to do. I mean, really, who *doesn't* want to go to France one day?
A final note: I do have one beef with this book, and it's not with the subject or the author -- it's with the publisher, Flammarion. Now I am truly a "gentle reader" of my books, taking care to handle them properly, not wanting smudged or crinkled pages or broken spines. So I was not happy to find the poorly-sewn and glued pages of this book separating from the spine as I read it! For a brand new, $50 book, this is totally unacceptable, so if I had it to do over I would buy the book on the used market rather than assuming I'd get a quality book by purchasing it new.

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