Friday, January 19, 2024

New cookies and a new teacup!

If there's anything better than one surprise, it's two surprises! On Wednesday night, my friend Kathy was visiting from out of town, and she and our friend Karen and I got to enjoy dinner together at a local restaurant. Kathy had brought along crafting goodies for us both, and she also brought me this gorgeous box of Lemon Curd Biscuits she found at a shop in her town.

The package is so, so pretty, and the cookies are as good as they sound and definitely have a great citrusy flavor from the lemon curd. Have you ever heard of Lady Joseph's Biscuits? I hadn't but am happy to have made their acquaintance.

And this teacup? My friend Vickie brought it to me at Bible study yesterday! Isn't the pattern pretty?

It's from Royal Albert's Blossom Time series, and this is the Orange Blossom pattern. I just love it, and sipping from a new teacup while enjoying some new teatime cookies was certainly a most delightful way to end my week!


  1. What nice gifts! I do love lemon curd so I'm sure those cookies are delicious. And the teacup's muted colors are so perfect for the winter season.

  2. No, I've never heard of Lady Joseph's Biscuits, but I'll definitely be on the lookout for them now. That really is a pretty box.

  3. Those cookies sound good. I'm not familiar with that company. The tea cup is beautiful


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