Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Twinings Brew Over Ice Peach Iced Tea K-Cup Pods

There are friends who say "Come visit anytime," and there are friends who say "Come visit anytime" and really mean it, and my friends Kathy and John fall into that second category. So I am spending a few days at their home in Statesboro, a Georgia town located about an hour from Savannah, and when I ran by Publix for a few things I needed yesterday, I was passing by the tea aisle when I spotted these Twinings pods that I knew I could use in their Keurig since I don't have one in my own kitchen.

Peach tea is my go-to flavor when there's a new tea to try. I've had so many peach-flavored teas that I can tell pretty quickly how one is going to rank. This one appealed to me because it's designed to be made hot but then poured over iced tea.

So yes, the ice melts quickly, but the resulting tea (which smelled delicious when brewing) had a rich, full flavor. My only quibble was that it seemed to want a little sweetness, so I popped a packet of Stevia in the glass, and then it was just right. Now, I know tea purists like to use only fresh tea leaves (me, too, usually), but for a quick glass of iced tea, I really like the convenience of these pods. Have any of you tried these or any of the other Twinings flavors?


  1. I appreciate your review of this product because usually I steer clear of making tea in my Keurig. (I don’t drink coffee but my children use it when they visit). I love peach tea and we are rapidly approaching “iced tea season” so zi will give these a try!

  2. I'm glad you liked this peach tea! Since you don't have a Keurig machine at home (neither do I), It's nice that you got an opportunity to try it at your friend's home.

  3. I have only tried Keurig tea once. It tasted like coffee since that is what the Keurig was mostly used for. Maybe I need to try it again. The peach tea sound delicious.


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