Friday, May 3, 2024

"The Garden Maker's Book of Wonder"

My friend Deberah dropped off an early birthday gift for me the other day, and I was hooked the moment I saw the beautiful cover of The Garden Maker's Book of Wonder by Allison Vallin Kostovick, offering "162 Recipes, Crafts, Tips, Techniques, and Plants to Inspire You in Every Season."

This book is so charming, and I guess I shouldn't have been surprised to come across quite a few tea tidbits, like this one on how to brew a perfect cup of chamomile tea.

Or this one on making sage tea. And these aren't the only tea references in the book. If, like me, you hanker to do a little more in the garden this spring, this is definitely a book I would recommend!


  1. That looks like a beautiful book! I especially like the drawings of the flowers and butterflies on the cover, and it looks like there are also nice sketches inside.

  2. Looks like a good book. Thanks for sharing

  3. Thanks for sharing this wonderful looking book! Just ordered one for me and one for my sister's upcoming birthday! I'm counting the days until they get here! Susan NC


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