Friday, May 31, 2024

Simpson & Vail's Literary Teas — Emily Dickinson Jasmine Tea Blend

While I've enjoyed some Simpson & Vail teas a few times before, I'd never had the chance to try anything from their Literary Tea Line, blends named in honor of famous writers like Jane Austen, Edith Wharton, Beatrix Potter, and the poet Emily Dickinson. So I was especially pleased to get to try the Emily Dickinson blend that recently arrived as a gift from Susan B.!

This jasmine tea blend contains jasmine tea, rose petals, jasmine blossoms, marigold petals, and blue cornflower petals, a lush-looking combination that made me eager to try it, especially since I love jasmine-flavored teas!

And to my delight, this one had the jasmine taste I love along with a slightly sweet finish that made this feel like a rich treat. It's truly a lovely combination of flavors, and if you're interested in these teas yourself, you can learn more here.


  1. Ooh, it’s so pretty and sounds delicious!

  2. And look how pretty that tea is - just looking at it (and smelling) is a delight! I love these creative blends. I used to sell the Jane Austen ones named after different characters in the books and I loved them for their creativity. This was a lovely gift.

  3. That IS a beautiful tea, before and after it's met the hot water. The tin is also very nice.

  4. Both pretty and delicious. Thanks for the review.


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