Monday, May 6, 2024

A cup full of mercy

My friend Beth Y. sent me the loveliest note and gift last week, and I was so very touched. She said she'd had me on her mind and in her prayers, and she happened to be visiting her son in Birmingham, Alabama, when she went to an art show in nearby Hoover and saw these pieces by a friend. This one made her think of me!

Specifically, the line about God's mercies being new every morning struck her as something appropriate to share with me, and I so agree. That's a message that is always spot-on, isn't it?

The detail on this piece was so fun to check out, like the "beads" that make the tea and the piece of glass that forms the lemon.

And it's signed too! And now this thoughtful gift is hanging on a cabinet in the dining room where I can, indeed, ponder this hopeful message every morning.


  1. I love both the teacup and the verse.

  2. Beautiful! This is a very thoughtful gift.

  3. That was so sweet of your friend to send you that gift.


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