Monday, May 13, 2024

Enjoying tea and chicken salad (and family!) in Savannah

While I was in Statesboro last week, I got in touch with Alex's cousin Berta, who lives in Savannah, and it turned out that she was available for lunch the next day!

So the next morning, I headed over to Savannah and met her for lunch at the Starland Café. It was one of her suggested locations with nearby parking available (a big consideration in Savannah), and when I saw that they had Iced Earl Grey Tea on the menu, I knew that's where I wanted to go for lunch.

Berta ordered a panini that she said was very good, and I ordered the Red Grape Chicken Salad that came with grilled ciabatta bread, and it was great. The tea was every bit as delicious as I'd expected it to be, and the chunky chicken salad was so filling that I took over half of it home and had it for dinner that night. (I've also learned that bread reheated in a toaster oven is a lovely thing.)

Since this was a quick visit, I was glad I spotted some Spanish moss in the trees near the café. It just isn't a trip to Savannah if you don't see some Spanish moss!

An hour before our lunch, I stopped by the City Market for a little shopping, and I had forgotten what a great "gallery town" Savannah is. I have an idea for a cozy mystery series set in Savannah (after I finish the two cozy series currently underway), but it doesn't hurt to go ahead and do a little research when you're in town. So the Stephen Kasun Fine Art Gallery was right up my alley!

And look: more Spanish moss in one of the gorgeous paintings! I'm already looking forward to my next visit to Statesboro and Savannah and plotting what I want to visit when I do. Have you visited either place?


  1. I'm glad you had such a nice time in Savannah, and I look forward to your cozy mystery series set in that city! I've been to Savannah twice--once for a meet-up with my three sisters, and one to participate in a Jane Austen Society convention with my oldest sister. We all had a great time there.

  2. Sounds like a lovely place and time! Angela, I hope you're eating enough, you look thin. Please take good care of yourself ☺️🙏💖👯‍♀️

    1. Kim, it's the flattering angle of the photo, I assure you! I am (alas) 30 pounds overweight and now trying to do something about it by walking more and eating less!

    2. Well I see a difference and know how hard it is to take care of yourself in difficult times. We all have things to work on, please be good to yourself and take care my friend!💖🙏

  3. I wanted to go to Savannah when we visited a couple years ago, but ran out of time. Your lunch sounds and looks delicious.

  4. Your lunch looks delicious. A cozy mystery set in Savannah sounds fun

  5. You look great and your lunch looks yummy. Yes, Earl Grey is good iced as well as hot. And Savannah would be a great setting for another series. 😀 it's such a beautiful place in the springtime.


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