Friday, May 24, 2024

Recommended Reading: Summer 2024 Flea Market Décor

If you read Monday's blog post, you may recall that I was starting to research old chalkware figurines. Well, on Wednesday, I popped into Barnes & Noble in search of the new issue of Flea Market Décor, and guess what? It has an article on …

Chalkware! It answered lots of my questions, and the article by Karen Wilhelmsen notes that, "Chalkware was first created in the late 1800s as more affordable art that mimicked the look of high-end porcelain pieces."

There was also a fun article on some Lefton collectibles that I'd never seen before.

I've had lots of vintage tea bag rests over the years, but I've certainly never set eyes on this one, and I wouldn't have known it was by Lefton.

There is lots of eye candy in this issue, including a charming cottage photo with a display-style magazine rack in the room! I could use one of those.

I also enjoyed this vignette with capodimonte, which my mother collected, and these lovely old teacups as well. This was quite a fun issue of the magazine, so if you're looking for some holiday weekend reading, you may want to check it out!


  1. Thanks! I could stand to learn more about vintage collectibles so I’ll look for that one.

  2. I've never heard of chalkware before you mentioned it on Monday. Now I'm curious to learn more. Thanks for the recommendation.

  3. That's really funny that the article on chalkware appeared just when you needed it!

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