Wednesday, December 27, 2023

A joyful Christmas

Highlights of Christmas 2023: Gatherings with friends and family, a cookie class with a friend, getting to drop off treats for a few dear friends here in Newnan, and on Christmas Day, getting to see our great-nephew, five-month-old Ezra, celebrate his first Christmas with all of a child's wonder!

This sweet ceramic tray was a gift from my friend Susan, and it is SO fitting for this Christmas. Those around our Christmas table were different this year. My sister’s mother-in-law passed away late in 2022, and her absence is still sorely felt. Aunt Jane suffered a great decline in health last fall and has been in a nursing home, and the week before Christmas, Daddy had to (quite unexpectedly) have a pacemaker put in! But the good news is that he got to come home before Christmas and seems to have bounced right back. So in addition to Christmas Day with our family, my sister and I went to see Aunt Jane, who is not doing well, then on the way home, I stopped by the hospital to see a dear friend who fell and shattered her hip and had to have hip surgery late on Christmas Eve!

The most peaceful hour I enjoyed this month was at the candlelight service at church on Christmas Eve (photo from the First Baptist Church of Newnan Facebook page). Definitely reminded Alex and me that despite all the family goings-on, the gift of Jesus—which sees us through the good days as well as the hard ones—is the REAL gift. And I marveled that despite all the challenges this month, I can truly say it was a joyful Christmas. Was yours? Oh, friends, I sure hope so!


  1. That is a GORGEOUS sanctuary!

  2. I'm really glad you had a joyful Christmas in spite of everything. And what a sweet little great-nephew you have! Looking at his face would raise anybody's spirits.

  3. What a lovely scene. I'm sorry about all the challenges and very glad you could still enjoy true Christmas. Many similar challenges all over, but the attitude of gratitude saves us every time!

  4. Your comment, “Jesus—which sees us through the good days as well as the hard ones—is the REAL gift” is so true! I don’t know how people get through the hard times of life without Him. Babies are so precious at Christmas! You are blessed!

  5. Babies make Christmas so fun. I hope your Daddy is recovering nicely.


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