Wednesday, November 8, 2023

A thrifty replacement for a missing Christmas teapot

Have you ever lost something in your house that you just *know* is there somewhere? That's been my theory for more than ten years now. Somewhere, there is a box with Christmas wares including a teapot or two, an "O Christmas Tea" mug, and, I strongly suspect, the Pfaltzgraff Winterberry tea-for-one set that a dear friend gave me one Christmas. Alas, I have turned this house upside down and still cannot find that missing box of Christmas wares. So when I saw this Winterberry set for $1.50 at a thrift store on Saturday, I decided I needed it!

This is something I've seen in stores before, but the cup and the pot were not together. So of course I just plopped the teapot on top of the cup, carried it all to the checkout counter, and told the clerk it was a set but had been priced $1 for the pot and 50 cents for the cup. I make sure to tell them because I don't want to rip off the thrift store, but I do hope to show them what a tea-for-one set looks like so that maybe they'll stop separating these pieces.

And of course I couldn't pass up a 50-cent dessert plate with poinsettias on it since that may be needed in a future photo for this blog (or a future cookbook).

I guess I had Christmas on the brain, as I also found a grab bag of vintage Christmas goodies at an antique mall. Meanwhile, this week, I hope to nab some vintage turkey figurines. Wish me luck!


  1. You had a great shopping day! I love the tea for one (Winterberry is such a pretty pattern) and the other goodies, too.

  2. Lovely to find what you have been looking for! Hope the Thanksgiving items call your name when shopping.

  3. Good luck in finding your vintage turkeys! If you listen carefully, you will probably hear them calling you. 🦃 Your Winterberry tea-for-one set is very nice!

  4. Great finds. The dessert plate is very pretty.


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