Monday, July 31, 2023

I (Heart) My New Cake Pan!

I made a favorite pound cake over the weekend, and although it was tasty as always, I was most excited about the pretty design of this cake!

For my birthday this year, my friend Susan gave me this beautiful heart-shaped Bundt pan featuring roses, and I just now got around to trying it out.

Even the interior is pretty!

I love the floral details of the cake, and it’s safe to say I now have a new favorite Bundt pan. I do love all my Bundt pans, but this one is so pretty that I imagine it will see much use in the years ahead!


  1. What a gorgeous cake! The pan is so pretty, and you baked it perfectly, too.

  2. Gorgeous pan. You should try it as a jello mold or ice ring for punch.

  3. That would be so pretty for Valentine's Day cakes. Very sweet!

  4. I inherited several specialty bundt pans from my mom (we did part with a lot if them, and I have a few myself). Yours is so pretty

  5. How pretty! And perfect for you.


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