Friday, July 14, 2023

Recommended for teatime: Nutella Biscuits

Are you a Nutella fan? I am. I think I first really became aware of the famous hazelnut spread when Giada De Laurentiis began featuring it on her Food Network show years ago, and ever since, I love it when a dessert has a filling/topping/dollop of Nutella. So yes, I had to try these Nutella "biscuits" when I spotted them at the grocery store this week ($4.79 for a bag of 20).

And oh my goodness, these cookies are so wonderful, and a serving of two is plenty. I'm a bit amazed that the cookies are all flopping around loose inside the bag yet are largely intact (I think only one was in pieces). The bottom part of the cookie is almost like a thin, tiny tart shell, then there's the hazelnut filling, and then a smaller cookie is inset perfectly on top of the filling. It doesn't ooze out, and even in the warm weather we've been having here in Georgia, the cookies didn't threaten to melt at all (and we do not keep our house at meat-locker levels of iciness like some of our Southern brethren and sistren do).

Since these cookies were called "biscuits," I of course had to photograph them on my sole "biscuit set," which is much closer in size to a cup and saucer than a snack set (aka "tea and toast set"), and the biscuit set was truly the perfect size for these delicious treats. If you're a Nutella fan, too, I definitely recommend giving them a try!


  1. Oh, goodness, those look amazing! Yum!

  2. I hope to find them, they sound good! I don’t believe I’ve ever had Nutella. You tea and biscuit set is beautiful!

  3. You had me at Nutella. Those look yummy. I'll look for them during next week's grocery trip. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Those are very cute cookies! I had never heard of their existence before, but now I will have to look for them.

  5. I haven't seen these, but have long been a Nutella fan, so you can be sure I'll be looking for these! Thanks for sharing your find!! Susan in NC

  6. I will be on the lookout for these!!!

  7. They sound and look good. Now I will keeping an eye out for them.


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