Friday, April 28, 2023

"Return to Pretty" by Caitlin Wilson

I must admit that this title, Return to Pretty, is what grabbed me when I first heard of this book. The book is by a young designer, Caitlin Wilson, and she's evidently part of that grandmillennial-style movement. An antique-seller friend of mine explained the term best: They're younger women who've just discovered the joys of decorating with vintage and traditional decor. Bring it on, I say!

Wilson's palette features lots of white and cream, pale blue, and a touch of pink, and it's a very soothing, peaceful palette. I've been savoring the photos in the book, and when I got to this one with some tea wares, I felt like I'd stepped into one of those lovely Victoria magazine spreads of the 1980s and 1990s.

But then, this photo at left seems very modern with its bright-pink palette, yet I love it too. Wilson writes, "Your home is meant to tell your unique story, and that story can't be told in an empty or meaningless space. Meaningful design incorporates your history and traditions. That's one reason why the grandmillennial revival went viral: we all desperately need that nod to our sweet grandmothers and the lost art of creating and seeing beauty all around us. Rooted in the warmth you felt at your grandmother's house, it's characteristically pretty and over-the-top feminine—truly cozy and one-of-a-kind." I may not be Wilson's target audience, but she's definitely a kindred spirit, and I'll bet many of you would enjoy this book too!


  1. Sounds like a lovely book. The pictures are pretty. Thanks for the recommendation.

  2. Those ARE very nice photos. I agree that it would be soothing to look through that book, and sometimes we all need a little soothing!


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