Monday, April 10, 2023

Sightseeing … close to home!

I don't often have reason to write about it much on this blog, but we are a real TV and film mecca in my area of Georgia. My county alone gave the world gems like Driving Miss Daisy and Fried Green Tomatoes, and loads of zombie lovers came to town when The Walking Dead became a hit. In more recent years, Trilith Studios in neighboring Fayette County saw films including Ant-Man, Captain America: Civil War, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Black Panther, and Avengers: Infinity War. A live-work-play community called Trilith has been built there as well, and that's where Alex and I spent a recent Saturday afternoon. It was fun to see all the homes and shops, and I was delighted to find teas for sale at The Funky Shack!

The one I got was Edith Grey from Big Heart Tea Co. I'd never heard of Big Heart Tea before. Have you? It was a lightly rose-flavored Earl Grey tea, and I loved it! 

Alex and I are both big stationery fans, so we enjoyed checking out Archer Paper Goods, home of fine pencils and pens and notebooks, and we came home with quite a few new goodies.

I thought this rhinoceros statue was quite interesting!

And so was this flowery mural.

Lots of pretty flowers were blooming, and we had a perfectly lovely afternoon just twenty minutes from home.

If you're a movie lover and see Trilith Studios or the Town at Trilith mentioned…

… perhaps you'll remember that it's located right here in the Hollywood of the South, my home state of Georgia! (And don't you love those doors on one of the gorgeous Trilith homes!)


  1. Looks like a lovely place to visit!

  2. Looks like a fun place to send the day! The rose-flavored Earl Grey tea sounds delicious.

  3. What a nice day-trip! Archer Paper Goods sounds like a store I would really enjoy, I've never heard of Big Heart Tea before, but I will check them out now.

  4. What a fun day trip. I would have loved the paper goods store too.


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