Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Coronation Tea from Harney & Sons

Okay, it's not here yet. I merely ordered it the minute it went on sale on Monday, but … I have a feeling some of you would like to order this Darjeeling Coronation Tea, too, and I wouldn't be surprised if it sells out (or is on backorder) before May 6. 

Normally, I would hesitate to even mention a tea I haven't yet tried, but this is Harney & Sons, after all, and they've never put a foot wrong, as the Brits say.

Fortnum & Mason and other UK vendors have coronation blends as well, but the shipping makes ordering them cost prohibitive (and Harney's shipping is free). Are you planning to watch King Charles's coronation? I sure am!


  1. My order was placed yesterday as well. I plan to watch as many of the festivities as possible. I’m still deciding on an appropriate early morning tea menu for the coronation and an afternoon musical themed one for the concert.

  2. Thanks for the tip on the Harney & Son Coronation Tea! I'll have to order some as soon as I finish writing this comment. I hope to watch at least some of King Charles' coronation festivities. I was 4 years old at the time of Queen Elizabeth's coronation, and I'm pretty sure I didn't see it, since I don't think my family had a TV then!

  3. Thanks for the tip. Looking forward to your review.

  4. The tea sounds good. I hadn't thought about watching. I will try to remember.


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