Friday, November 11, 2022

In honor of Veterans Day

In honor of Veterans Day today, I wanted to see if I could find an appropriate historic tea photo on the Library of Congress website, and I came across this one from 1918. It shows "Mrs. W.E. Corey serving tea in the garden of her home, the Chateau de Villegenis, which she lent to the American Red Cross as a home for convalescent American officers." (Mrs. Corey was the second wife of William Ellis Corey, president of U.S. Steel.)

To any of you readers who have served in our armed forces, I thank you for your service!

1 comment:

  1. That's a very nice photo! I hope those soldiers enjoyed their tea--they probably had quite a few stories to tell afterwards about convalescing in the Chateau de Villegenis.


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