Friday, April 1, 2022

Tea garden gazing …

Just because I haven't explored any tea history in a while, I decided it was time to share another of the stereoscopic images from the Library of Congress, this one from a tea garden in Japan circa 1901.

I had to gaze at this one for quite a while before I was able to get that 3D effect, but I finally did. These are always so fun to come across, and one day, I will break down and actually buy a vintage stereoscope for my own use.

The original image is here if you'd like to see it.


  1. You find the most interesting things!

  2. I agree with Joy - you truly do find fascinating things to share with us tea related and then some. I hope you DO get yourself a stereoscope. No one needs one more than you do, my friend. ♥

  3. Yes, I wish you luck in finding a nice vintage stereoscope! I still can't get the 3-D effect in these stereoscopic photos without one. I've never been to a tea garden but would like to. I read that their main purpose is to contemplate the beauty of nature and the art of living in harmony--that' sounds good to me!


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