Wednesday, April 20, 2022

A fresh order of Emperor's Bride Tea

At times in my life, I have no doubt been "penny wise and pound foolish," as the saying goes, fretting over small purchases and not thinking nearly enough about larger ones. One example? How many pineapple teas do you suppose I have purchased because I was too cheap to pay for shipping on my favorite tea in the world? I'll tell ya: plenty. Recently, I'd spent maybe thirty minutes online looking for pineapple teas, and I nearly laughed when I thought of all the pineapple teas I've tried that just didn't measure up to my all-time favorite one, Emperor's Bride from The Tea Room in Savannah. So I decided what the heck and ordered a small package. Yes, the shipping was almost as much as the tea, but I felt like having a party when that package arrived in the mail and I was able to enjoy this tea again. Then I realized that if I'd just ordered a great big package of it, I would have had enough to last me a while and won't need to even worry about shipping. Lesson learned.

Those little pineapple bits in the tea make me so happy, and I can get several steepings out of each serving.

For my favorite tea in the world, it seemed appropriate to use my favorite teacup pattern in the world, Royal Winton's Welbeck chintz. I pull this out every spring, and every spring, I'm grateful for the friend who stalked T. J. Maxx years ago and helped us both acquire sets of this. I'm so enjoying my Emperor's Bride this month, and if I could take only one tea to a desert island with me, this would be it. What would yours be?


  1. I'm not sure what I'd pick as my favorite tea - it changes! But this one sounds wonderful and I hope you'll go ahead and order a larger package when this one is gone. Your teacup and saucer are gorgeous, too!

  2. I've never tasted--or even heard of--pineapple tea, but it DOES sound interesting
    (I love pineapple sherbet and pineapple yogurt). You really DO have to indulge yourself sometimes, and a favorite tea is such an innocent, wholesome pleasure. I don't know what my "desert island tea" would be. Maybe Twinings Lady Grey? I really like it, and I don't think I would get tired of it, as I might with a more strongly-flavored tea.

  3. Enjoy your tea. I do the same thing with shipping.
    I think my desert island tea would be a green secha I buy at the local Japanese grocery store.

  4. I have the same cup and love it. It is indeed a perfect cup for Spring.


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