Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Some new magazines worth checking out

The March 2014 issue of Martha Stewart Living arrived last week, and I must say this cover featuring macarons is one of my favorites they've ever had. Can you not practically hear the crunch of the macarons and taste the creamy filling?

I've made macarons exactly twice before, with success both times, largely because I didn't know until after I'd made them that they are said to be exceedingly tricky! Of course my flavors were rather plain (vanilla, strawberry, lime), and this issue of Martha Stewart Living includes flavors that sound a little more exotic: Toasted Hazelnut and Chocolate, Chocolate Mint, Espresso, Vanilla Bean, and Rose Raspberry. If you haven't made macarons before but would like to try them, this issue's recipes may be helpful, along with the step-by-step photos.

And the February 17, 2014 issue of Woman's World has some things that may be of interest too! See that pretty orange cake on the cover?

I love how this citrus-flavored cake has layers and frosting tinted different shades of orange! Again, the instructions and photos make this look like a can-do recipe.

But the thing I *most* wanted you Downton Abbey fans to know is that this issue includes tips on hosting a Downton Abbey tea party!


  1. What fun! I don't usually get to read those two magazines (translate that: my friend at church who passes all her magazines along to me doesn't subscribe to those two) but I will have to look for them, especially that second one! Thanks for the tips.

  2. Yes, making macarons is tricky but now that my family has tried them, they want me to bake some again. The cover of MSL looks delicious!
    I'd like to host a DA tea, it would be fun, especially if everyone were to dress up.

  3. Congrats on your macaron prowess! (Oops, auto-correct changed that to macaroni prowess, luckily I caught that!) That cover looks amazing. My family has been sad because our favorite French bakery closed its doors recently at its closest location (about 40 minutes away). My favorite was their lavender lemon macaroni, but your lime sounds good too!

  4. MMMMMM Macarons! They look so decadent all stacked up there on the front of the magazine. I saw the magazine the other day in the grocery and wanted to pick it up and eat the cover. ;-) I read an article the other day about baking macarons and the chef who wrote it felt that there is too much said about how difficult they are to make and anyone can do it with a little practice and reading the directions and following them!
    I agree. Just go for it!

    Hope you have a happy day, Angela,
    Mary Jane

  5. Thanks for the head's up. I think I will check out the MS Living. Love, love macarons. I recently had a salt and pepper with olive oil ganache that was just delicious. Sounds weird, but I had to try.

  6. Thanks for the heads-up on the Women's World magazine with a feature on a Downton Abbey tea. I'll definitely have to try to locate one if they're still on the stands.


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