Monday, October 9, 2023

'Tis the season … to start Christmas shopping!

I know, I know. It's barely October (Columbus Day, actually), and here I am talking about Christmas shopping. Well, there's a reason for that. If tea lovers are going to be first to grab all the tea doodads this Christmas, then they need to know about them, right? And all Christmas mugs are considered "tea mugs" in this house, so I wanted to send out an alert that these cute little plastic tea mug ornaments are just 98 cents at Walmart! I stopped by on Saturday and grabbed these two goodies to go on my tea-themed Christmas tree. I'm actually thinking of putting up two or maybe even three trees this year, so the more teacup ornies the better.

Some of the vintage-Christmas collectors I follow on Instagram have been talking about how the new vintage-style Santa Blow Molds are sold out (already!) at many Walmarts across the country. I've wanted one of these for years now but am too thrifty to pay the hundred (or more) dollars they easily command. This two-foot-tall Santa Blow Mold is just $34, and I was thrilled to nab one of the only two on display at Peachtree City's Walmart. A collection begins!

I kind of wish so many people didn't like vintage Christmas decor, because then I would have an easier time finding it. At any rate, vintage-looking things help me create the look I want, and this $1.98 metal ornament was perfect.

My final Christmasy find on Saturday was this 16-inch melamine tray from T.J. Maxx. I will probably save it for display, not for food use, as I think the vintage Santa design is so cute, and I love that the crimping around the edge makes it look like a giant paper plate. This was a fun $6.99 find. So please know that I am fully here for October, but if you want cute new (or old) things for Christmas, now is the time to think about getting them!


  1. Thanks for the reminder that Christmas is not that far away! You've really found some cute stuff already!

  2. The tea mug ornaments are super festive!

    At our Michaels (Canada) store, I saw a glass teapot ornament (blue and white with birds), and a glass stacked white teacups ornament.

  3. I was at Hobby Lobby today and looked for tea-themed ornaments. No luck. They had a couple of large hot chocolate mugs that were not as cute as, and much more expensive than, the WM ones. I will get to WM soon! I did find a couple of mini Santa mugs at HL.

  4. That melamine tray is so cute. I'll have to see if my local store has one.


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