Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Bigelow's Ginger Honey Tea

It turned cool this weekend, so I found myself reaching for spice-flavored teas that taste like fall. Then when I was at the grocery store, I spotted this Bigelow Ginger Honey Tea and thought that sounded good too.

Of all the spices that have appeared in teas I've tried over the years, ginger is probably my favorite. I like that almost peppery taste you get from ginger, and it's a bonus that ginger is known for so many health benefits, said to help with everything from nausea and PMS to lowering cholesterol and combatting motion sickness. I know all that, but I just like the taste, and this Ginger Honey Tea quickly became a new fall favorite!

An herbal tea, this blend contains ginger, rooibos, fennel, rosehips, zinc gluconate, pumpkin seeds, natural honey flavor, and natural honey granules. In addition to the ginger, the rooibos and honey flavors shine through as well, so this tea is right up my alley! Have any of you tried it?


  1. Sounds delicious! I stick to herbal teas in the afternoon/evening, this would be a lovely winter treat.

  2. Forgot to put my name again! Joy


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