Wednesday, October 25, 2023

A surprisingly sweet gift!

Occasionally, someone in my Sunday school class brings a treat for us all to share. I've done it, others have done it, and while we don't have a schedule of who brings what and when, it is always fun when someone shows up with a new treat. On Sunday, my friend Beverly shared this Swedish Nut Cake, and oh my, was it delicious!

It reminds me of a hummingbird cake because of the cream cheese icing, pineapple, and pecans, but it's baked more like a sheet cake and has a little denser (and tastier!) cake layer. I polished off a small slice before class, and while I went to the ladies' room between Sunday school and church, Beverly had packed up the (few!) leftovers and told Alex to take them since I liked it so much.

It lasted only two days at my house, and boy, did it upgrade my teatime! Just looking at the pineapple and pecans in this photo makes me wish I had more. And yes, I will be asking Beverly for the recipe since I saw several versions online but would love to know the exact one she made. Have any of you ever had Swedish Nut Cake? If you haven't, you're in for a real teatime treat!


  1. That cake is new to me, but it sounds wonderful, and looks lovely on your chintz plate, too!

  2. Looks delicious but wonder what makes it Swedish since pineapple,pecans and cream cheese are def. not Swedish!

  3. No, I've never had Swedish Nut Cake, but it does sound good. I'm looking forward to seeing the recipe when you get it from your friend Beverly.

  4. I've never heard of Swedish Nut Cake. Since I like Hummingbird cake I'm sure I would enjoy Swedish Nut Cake


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