Wednesday, October 12, 2022

'Tis the season …

One of the fun things about shopping for the holidays all year round is that I always have something new to play with when the actual holidays arrive. I recently found a few more 99-cent Santa mugs at Goodwill. These aren't vintage, but I thought they were cute and will blend well with my collection.

Did I say collection? Well, I've started a new one. I decided these amber-colored glass sherbet dishes sure would be fun to use at Thanksgiving. It's not my year to host (it's my sister's), but if I start now, I'll bet I can gather the 18 or so of these I'll need to serve something yummy in at Thanksgiving next year. I've started finding them for about a dollar, and that's about the max I'll pay. I want this to be a totally thrifted collection!

And here's another one.

While I had Thanksgiving on the brain, I bought a cute new Nordic Ware pan at Goodwill for just $1.49. 

I'm planning to use it to make "festive" shaped cornbread, as I don't really have the time to learn to decorate a pumpkin cake! Have you started any new collections, thrifted or otherwise?


  1. I love the mugs! So cute. I have started looking for those, but I think I have 2 so far, I'm not sure it qualifies as a collection yet. Yet...! Your amber sherbet dishes are so pretty, they just look right for a Thanksgiving table. I would never have thought to make cornbread in a fancy cake pan - but why not? I hope you'll share a picture of it when you make it. Great finds!

  2. The sherbet dishes will be great to use at Thanksgiving. We had green ones growing up. Though I don't think we ever at sherbet out of them. :-)

  3. That's a great idea to use that decorative pumpkin pan for cornbread! And the sherbert glasses will look great on your Thanksgiving table next year.

  4. I always think of you when I see Santa mugs. The sherbet glasses will be so fun. I started buying green water glasses and love that touch of color on the table for tea times.

  5. Oops! That Anonymous is me. Marilyn M.


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