Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Revolution Tea's Earl Grey Lavender Black Tea

The tea in my teacup in Monday's post was this Earl Grey Lavender blend from Revolution Tea, a brand I first enjoyed many years ago. When I was introduced to this tea company, each tea bag was housed in a tiny little cardboard box that was maybe 1-1/2 inches wide and an inch tall. So when I saw this new box of their tea at Ollie's, I had to give it a try, especially at just $2.79 for the box of twenty pyramid tea bags.

Each pyramid bag is contained in a large foil pouch that keeps the tea leaves from getting all crunched and smashed.

And the taste is everything you want in an Earl Grey blend, with just the right amount of bergamot and a not-overly-perfumy amount of lavender. I find this a great "transitional" tea, as it's heartier than the fruity blends of summer yet not so spicy that you want to go make a pumpkin pie. And another thing I like about this tea? Once I've steeped the hot tea, I toss the tea bag into a glass of cold water, place it in the fridge to cold brew, then add a squirt of lemon juice to make yet another refreshing tea. It's definitely one of my favorite bargain finds of recent months!


  1. Sounds delicious! And I need to try that cold brew idea.

  2. That's a great idea about re-using the tea bag! I will definitely have to try that.

  3. What tea cup is this? It's so pretty ! ! ! ! :)

  4. Great find! And thanks for the cold brew tip.

  5. Thank you for posting the brand. I’m looking for a more cost-effective lavender Earl Grey than what I currently have. You certainly got a great deal!


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