Monday, September 16, 2024

A weekend full of nieces … and a creative baby shower!

My weekend was all about my nieces! On Saturday, I joined my youngest niece, Amelia, my sister, Rhonda, and my oldest niece, Madison, to shop for Amelia's wedding dress in Chamblee. Turns out that all of us were a bit worried about how this would go. Amelia has always been very picky about her clothes, with comfort being a MUST. When she was a little girl, I once took her Christmas shopping for clothes, and she had to touch the interior of every garment, eventually striking them all as possibilities. So we were thrilled when she said yes to the dress! And it was truly stunning on her and made her look like a very elegant princess. She will be a beautiful bride this December!

Beforehand, we ate lunch at a great restaurant called J. Alexander's. They had fabulous salads, including the one I got with chicken, avocado, pecans, bacon, and cornbread croutons. Yum!

Then yesterday after church, I headed to Ranburne, Alabama, for Madison's baby shower. Little Hoyt, her and Logan's first child, is due in just a few weeks, and the church Logan pastors gave them a great shower yesterday.

I loved all the balloons!

Hoyt's nursery has a woodland theme, and that was used for the shower decor as well.

I loved the paper place mats that featured rings of wood. I asked one of the hostesses where she found them, and of course she said Amazon!

They had a great variety of finger foods, which was most welcome since I sped there after church and hadn't had time to eat. I love pinwheels, crackers and dip, cheese spread, and other such foods. 

The cucumber sandwiches above were the one contribution I was asked to make. Madison absolutely loves cucumber sandwiches, and I like to think this is because of all the tea parties she enjoyed as a little girl.

Someone had special cookies made, and I thought they were so cute.

But one of the cutest touches was the trail mix station.

As a thank-you gift, we all got to make our own trail mix to take home.

What a lovely way to remember such a fun baby shower!


  1. Wedding dress shopping is such fun! I got to do it with both my daughters as well as one of my nieces. Such a special time! And of course, baby showers are equally special. I love the woodland theme. Your cucumber sandwiches look yummy - what wonderful tea party memories Madison must have!

  2. That really was a fun weekend that you had! I especially like the woodland theme at your niece's baby shower, and the make-your-own trail mix.


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