Wednesday, September 4, 2024

An eventful Labor Day weekend …

Did you have a nice Labor Day weekend? Mine was … eventful, shall we say. I was supposed to be in Statesboro crafting with some girlfriends, but on my way downstairs to leave on Thursday morning, I touched the staircase rail and felt water. Water? I looked up, and water was coming through the ceiling! A copper pipe had ruptured, and while the plumber got here promptly and repaired it, the damage was enough to mean I will be getting a new ceiling, flooring, and carpet soon. So … fun times ahead. But what did not get postponed was my Labor Day hiking adventure with my friend Tammy. Here we are at High Falls State Park in Jackson, Ga., and from there, we went to Indian Springs State Park in Flovilla, Ga., and hiked there.

In the visitor center at Indian Springs, I was surprised to find an exhibit featuring this gorgeous vintage wedding gown.

And I also hit the brakes when I saw silver and glass pieces in a display case. Wouldn’t have dreamed I would see such wares while off hiking at a state park.

Pretty glassware always makes me reach for my camera.

Afterward, we were famished and headed to the Whistle Stop Café in Juliette for lunch. It’s the restaurant featured in the movie Fried Green Tomatoes. Part of the movie was filmed in Senoia, a town here in Coweta County, so that movie is very beloved in these parts.

When the waitress asked what we wanted to drink, I asked if they offered Arnold Palmers, and they certainly did. I love seeing the blend of tea (unsweet this time) and lemonade!

Both Tammy and I ordered those and the sampler platter, which featured fried green tomatoes, onion rings, chicken tenders, and sweet potato fries, all of which hit the spot. I took over half of mine home with me and have learned that such foods crisp up nicely in the toaster oven. So while the giant dehumidifiers continue to roar downstairs this week as my house dries out, at least I got to enjoy some fresh air and exercise on the Labor Day holiday itself!


  1. Wow, you really DID have an "eventful" Labor Day weekend! I'm sorry to hear about the copper pipe rupture and damage in your house. But I'm very glad that didn't keep you from going on that wonderful hike and visit to the Whistle Stop Cafe with your friend.
    That visitor center in Indian Springs looks very interesting!

  2. Sorry to hear about the pipe. I am glad you caught it and everything can be fixed. Glad the rest of your weekend was nice.

  3. Water issues are the pits - but I'm glad you could get a plumber quickly. Your state park visits sound like much more enjoyable “events” though. And who knew you'd find china and crystal on display? Plus a delicious lunch and good company, too!

  4. Glad you had a little fun with your good good luck with your home repairs, what a pain! You're handling everything so well🙏

  5. I hate to hear that! I can commiserate. I work from home and this spring had a pipe burst over by basement office. I am well acquainted with the sound of the dehumidifiers. This was 3 months ago and the painting is just going up now. Hoping to finally get my house back and I REALLY hope your repairs go quickly and smoothly. - Cara

  6. That sampler platter looks so good. What a nice Labor Day.


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