Friday, August 16, 2024

Time to finish a crazy quilt

I've made a new rule for myself: I can't start a new craft until I complete an unfinished one. For that reason, I pulled out my old crazy quilt squares, which have been sitting in a hat box for several years. It was like revisiting an old friend when I realized, "Oh yeah, I stitched a teapot on this one!

And a rose applique on this one.

An under-the-sea scene on this one.

I really need only one more fabric base to have the nine blocks I need for the quilt, and what's the theme of the new one? Another teapot-themed block. I thought I'd show you the "Before" shot as I'm getting started, and hopefully, that'll encourage me to finish it and show the "After" shot soon!


  1. If you have shared this before I must have missed it. I am so in love with your work on this crazy quilt. It is a beauty. It truly is a wonderful piece of art. Please do share more as you make more progress. I understand too about the finish what you have started before starting something new. I have way more started projects then the finished. P.S. - Crazy Quilts are my favorite of all types of quilting.

  2. Oh, how pretty! This definitely needs to be finished so you can use and enjoy it! (Says she who has several unfinished projects awaiting her attention…)

  3. What a beautiful quilt. So creative. You must finish it. It needs to be out where people can enjoy it. Elaine (in Toronto)

  4. I think I remember when you stared this quilt. It's so pretty. I can't wait to see it finished and put together.

  5. Oh my, love this quilt! Love a crazy quilt, but this is special... So many happy things in it. Well done, you do beautiful work!

  6. What a wonderful crazy-quilt-in-progress! I'm glad you've returned to it and I wish you good luck in getting it fnished soon. I've always loved crazy quilts--each one is so distinctive.

  7. The blocks are gorgeous so I think you have the touch!

  8. Good luck finishing it. It will be beautiful!

  9. Such lovely work! Hope to see it when you finish.


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