Monday, August 19, 2024

Giveaway: Country Living's Fall Baking Magazine

Are you as ready for fall as I am? At my crafting retreat over the weekend, one of the ladies brought some pumpkin spice pretzel chips to share, and just like that, I found myself longing for fall. Then, I found a great new magazine at the grocery store this weekend and decided this might be a fun giveaway item for one of you. This Apple-Cider Doughnut Bundt Cake on the cover sure looks yummy.

Or how about this towering Apple-Cinnamon Layer Cake with Salted Caramel Frosting?

Or maybe a Pumpkin-Pecan Bread Pudding is more your speed? If you’d like to be entered to win this magazine, just leave an “Enter me” comment to this post between now and 7 a.m. EST on Friday, August 23, making sure I have a way to contact you if you're the winner, and you’ll be entered to win … and get a head start on some new fall dishes. Good luck!


  1. I’ve been drinking pumpkin spice coffee for a couple of weeks now. Then I go out in this Georgia heat and I’m reminded that we are still very much in summer.

    Enter me please.
    Judy C

  2. I do enjoy any thing pumpkin spice! This magazine looks very tasty with delicous recipes.
    Please enter me.
    contact: ipagrammypap at gmail dot com

  3. That cake looks amazing. Yummm! Don't enter me though, as I am trying to downsize my magazines.

  4. I have been counting the days until FALL since summer started!!!! This looks like a magazine full of delectable fall temptations!!! I would love to be entered! Thank you!
    Susan in NC

  5. Enter me, please! I am more than ready for Fall and Fall baking! Thank you for making this a giveaway for one of your lucky readers.

  6. Enter me please! This looks delicious!

  7. Enter me please! vhalauralee@

  8. Enter me, please. I am so ready for cooler weather and fall flavors. Dmskrug3 at hotmail dot com


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