Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Tea sampling: iteaworld's Jasmine Zhen Wang


I always enjoy opening a new packet of loose tea and seeing what it looks like. This is a sample I received from iteaworld earlier this year, and I loved checking out the leaves of this green tea.

This is one of their jasmine teas, and this Jasmine Zhen Wang is scented seven (!) times.

I was so pleased with the smooth, buttery mouth feel of this tea, and while it might have been scented seven times, the jasmine taste was light and subtle, not as perfume-like as some jasmine teas I've tried. Interestingly, you steep the tea just 10-20 seconds to start with, and that was perfect! I steeped the same leaves a few seconds longer for subsequent cups, and again, I was very pleased with the results. Although I'm ready for fall to arrive, I'm not quite ready to hit up the stores for spicy fall teas just yet, so a new jasmine tea was just the thing.


  1. That does sound nice! On this delightfully cool morning, a cup of delicious hot tea is a treat.

  2. Although I'm not a fan of green tea or jasmine tea myself, I have a friend who loves it, so this is a good gift idea for her. I like the design on the tea bag envelope. Thanks for the recommendation!

  3. I have been quite impressed by the packaging and quality of this tea company.


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