Friday, August 9, 2024

Some tea gifts to enjoy and to share!

The other night, I got home from dinner with a girlfriend and had a package from Hawaii waiting on my doorstep. The surprise comes courtesy of my tea-lover friend Lani F., and I am so excited about all of these carefully curated treats she assembled for me! There are several folders of fun info I'm still reading, and Lani saw one of my past posts about tea-themed puzzles and sent some printouts of puzzle suggestions as well as this bag with a small puzzle inside. It will be perfect to put together the next time my young neighbors come for tea.

And as soon as I saw these blueberry-flavored Royal Creem (yes, "creem") Crackers, I knew immediately that I would share them, too, with my little friends.  (Indeed, I'm aiming to be the coolest gray-haired lady in the neighborhood.)

But something I won't be sharing is these delightful little cookbooks of favorite recipes by Dear Abby! Did you know that she had ever published recipes? I don't guess I did, and I can't wait to cook something from them, and hopefully soon!


  1. What a nice surprise! I had no idea that there were Dear Abby recipe booklets but they are perfect for you. Enjoy!

  2. What a nice surprise! I did not know Dear Abby published a cookbook. Enjoy!


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