Friday, August 25, 2023

The joys of "Flea Market Decorating"

A friend of mine watches craft videos before she goes to sleep at night and calls them her "bedtime stories," which I think is just lovely. Since I do sometimes scroll through social media before I hit the hay, I started making my Instagram feed all-pretty, all-the-time so that it could serve as my own "bedtime stories." While Facebook and Twitter are sort of a free-for-all that you can't always control (other than to click off, which I do frequently), I permit no arguments, no politics (even the discussions I agree with), and nothing unpleasant on my Instagram feed. I follow lots of home decor "influencers," and the current issue of Flea Market Decorating has just the sort of of lovely thrifted vibe they would adore!

This issue also has a fun feature on styling a tea party with vintage finds. Isn't it pretty? I've always wanted to find a vintage quilt to use as a tablecloth.

But perhaps my favorite article in this issue (by Tovah Martin, who used to write for Victoria!) was about a woman who collects Jade-ite, and have you ever seen so many Jade-ite tea pieces? I had long wondered whether the spelling is "Jadite" or "Jade-ite," and it turns out it's both! Jeanette Glass Company called their version Jadite, and Fire-King named theirs Jade-ite. This issue has lots of great info about what's hot in the world of vintage right now (wicker, lab ware, and those sixties-looking orange and brown dishes, of all things), and it's quite a fun bit of leisure reading! 


  1. I’m not into orange and brown dishes, thankfully, but I think I need to find this magazine, just to admire the jadeite!

  2. The only flea market near me is pretty pricey, so I haven't been in quite a while (it's held only on Sundays). But your "Flea Market Decorating" magazine is a good reminder to me that I should check out the flea market this weekend. I have occasionally found some nice vintage linens there, and I got a nice lemon fork once there, too.

  3. I think what you said about Instagram is why I like it better than FB. I too keep my Instagram "pretty." This looks like a nice vacation read magazine. I'll have to look for it. Thanks for the recommendation.

  4. Love Flea Market decorating. The Jadeite would tempt me as right now I am drawn to anything green.


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