Wednesday, August 9, 2023

"Daphne's Diary," Number 4, 2023

It is always fun to spot a new issue of Daphne's Diary, which is printed in the UK, in my local Barnes & Noble. Sometimes, I grow weary of reading news magazines or writing-craft magazines, so it can be a luxury to feed my soul instead of my mind for a bit, and DD always manages to bring me some inspiration that helps on all fronts!

I've not made one of these pretty rectangular tarts before, but this roasted strawberry tart recipe will definitely have me looking for a new tart pan at T.J. Maxx.

And I was also happy to see a piece on growing your own tea.

Of course, some of the images are just for fun, like the coloring pages and graphics pages the magazine always includes.

This issue was extra tea-ish, with even the back cover appealing to tea lovers. Clearly, Daphne's Diary is a magazine that I enjoy reading simply because it's so lovely. What's the last lovely magazine that you read? Please share!


  1. Hi Angela, DD is a lovely magazine, but so pricey in the US. I always look for it while in the UK. Fortunately, I will be there next week. Maybe I will be able to justify the purchase. Crazy logic, I know!🤭 Frances

  2. There's no longer a Barnes & Noble anywhere near me, so I haven't seen any magazines like that lately. I DID really enjoy the latest issue of "Southern Lady"--it has lots of pretty Autumn place settings with beautiful china. And my subscription copy of "TeaTime" just arrived in the mail today, so I'm looking forward to reading that.

  3. Oh this is a swoon worthy magazine for sure. I also swoon over My French Country Home, but it doesn't usually have tea in it. Still the homes, gardens and recipes are all so yummy.


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