Friday, August 4, 2023

Bigelow Botanicals Peach Lemonade Acai Cold Water Infusion


I am apparently on a mission to sample every cold-brew infusion on the market this summer, and the latest find was this Peach Lemonade Acai Cold Water Infusion from Bigelow Botanicals.

This is clearly more of an herbal tea since it contains no camellia sinensis, and the ingredients are "chamomile, rosehips, hibiscus, licorice root, natural peach and lemon flavors with other natural flavors (soy lecithin), lemongrass, lemon peel, citric acid, peach pieces, acai juice granules." The light peach and lemon flavors are what I detect most, and I like that these infusions aren't sweet or sugary like Kool-Aid and truly are just a flavored-water beverage. (And as hot as it's been around here, I'm drinking lots of these each day!)

And of course I have always liked the fact that Bigelow's tea bags are packaged individually. Have you tried this flavor? I think it's my favorite of the cold water infusions I've sampled this summer!

1 comment:

  1. That herbal tea is a very pretty color! That alone would make me want to try it. I haven't tried any of Bigelow's cold-water infusions, but perhaps I'll try this one, after reading your positive description of it.


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