Wednesday, August 16, 2023

A new-to-me type of tea!

Do any of you subscribe to Bon Appétit? I've had a free subscription for several years now, but it had gotten to where it had so many complicated recipes with so many hard-to-find or exotic ingredients that for a while there, I just took it straight to the trash and didn't bother opening it. But when I saw the photo on this month's cover, I knew I would like this issue because of the salmon recipes and the article on the Salmon Sisters (not to be confused with the Silver Sisters, ahem).

I was reminded that I do enjoy the brief tidbits about various foodie topics in the magazine, and this one about corn definitely caught my eye! Have you ever heard of making a "tea" from corn silks? Are they serious? But lo and behold, I googled and found that yes, corn silk tea is a thing, and apparently, the tea is a mild diuretic, which is helpful for some conditions. Would you try corn silk tea? I must admit that the next time I get some corn with the silks attached, I will have to give this a whirl.

And this isn't related to tea but to corn, but did you know there is a specific gadget to help you "de-kernel" (who knew that was a word!) corn? Other than tea accoutrements, of course, I don't like a lot of gadgets in the kitchen, but this is one I think might come in handy!


  1. I’ve never heard of corn silk tea, and I’m not really anxious to try it. 😁 I just fixed fresh corn for supper last night, but I’m not going to dig this silks out of my trash bin! I have seen gadgets for cutting corn off the cob, but not one like that picture shows. I usually just leave it on the cob anyway.

  2. I've never heard of corn silk tea. Honestly it doesn't sound appealing but I would try it if I had any fresh corn.

  3. I've never heard of corn silk tea, either, and don't think I'll be trying it any time soon. But if YOU try it, Angela, do let us know how it comes out! That corn de-kerneler looks amusing.

  4. I have not heard of tea from the corn silk. Hummm?! Not sure it sounds good. Yes, let us know if you try it.


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