Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Island Dreams from Harney & Sons


So I was ordering a cute little something-something from Harney & Sons for one of next week's valentine giveaways (seven days' worth, y'all!) when I remembered that they had a tea I'd also been meaning to try, and it arrived yesterday. I enjoyed it with some sugar-free cookies I found at the grocery store the other day.

A flavored green tea, Island Dreams has pineapple, coconut, and rum flavoring and blue cornflowers.

Isn't it pretty? As soon as I opened the tin, I smiled! While I didn't taste the rum and coconut flavors, I did detect a fair amount of pineapple flavor. Since I'm trying to drink more green tea throughout the day, this will work nicely, yet I'm still in search of the perfect potent pineapple-flavored tea. If you know of one, I'd love a recommendation!


  1. I probably would of bought some too after seeing that beautiful bright and colorful packaging.

  2. The tea is certainly pretty, with the blue cornflowers. I'll have to remember this when next I order from Harney's.

  3. I’ve never noticed this tea before but it sound great. I’ll have to remember this.

  4. This tea looks great. I do love Harney and Sons teas!


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