Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Queen's new portrait

Let's talk about the Queen, shall we? Did you see where a new portrait of her was just unveiled? I watched this YouTube video of the unveiling and enjoyed seeing the Queen's reaction.

When I first saw the portrait, I thought it was a photograph! What I like best: Her expression (neither too serious nor too frivolous), the color of her dress (turquoise!), those lavish lavender roses, and that gorgeous golden teacup!

Do you like the new portrait? Why or why not?


  1. Beautiful! I read, The Queen asked why the teacup was empty? Very keen on details!

    1. Because the rebellious threw it into the Boston Harbor! Oops. Wrong era. Just wanting to add a giggle to the day.

  2. I love this portrait - she looks beautiful and stately, composed and full of grace.

    And that's coming from my Irish bones. : - )

    Thanks, Ang - been soooo out of the world's loop of info - just couldn't take any more ugliness. This was anything but, and I appreciate it very much.


  3. I do like the painting. I like the softness of it--the softness of the colors and textures. And the Queen looks very natural in it, and not stiff. At first I thought, "Why do I feel that there's something missing?" Then I realized that I am so used to see her wearing a hat!

  4. She looks beautiful in that color turquoise. Also pretty in pink! I think she wants to have tea together! 🥐🍵

  5. That's a lovely portrait of her and for her age - she looks amazing!


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