Friday, February 1, 2013

Sampling some new Harney teas

This week I had the pleasure of trying some new Harney & Sons teas thanks to my generous giveaway win from Linda of Friendship Tea. The new (to me!) flavors are Earl Grey Supreme, Hot Cinnamon Spice, White Vanilla Grapefruit and Paris.

Earl Grey remains one of my favorite blends of tea, and I must be honest and tell you I've rarely tried an Earl Grey I did *not* like. Still, this one was extra smooth tasting, and it's unique in that it includes Silver Tips!

Had I tried Hot Cinnamon Spice tea before? I thought so, but I can't remember who shared it with me. (If you're reading, please forgive me!) But one sniff and one sip and I knew yes, I have had this before, because it reminds me of those red hot cinnamon candies! It's definitely the cinnamoniest cinnamon tea I've ever tried, and I do think it would be nice to have a tin of this around for occasional sipping.

This White Vanilla Grapefruit was the most intriguing sounding blend. Vanilla to me is a heavier, sweeter taste, while citrus is light and lively. Would the two marry well? Indeed yes! One sniff of the steeped tea and I got notes of both vanilla and citrus, and I enjoyed this flavor very much.

Have I tried Paris before? (The tea, not the city.) If I have, I don't remember it, and I think I would remember this delightfully caramel-ish tea. It also has currant and citrus flavors, but the caramel is what stands out most to me. It's always fun to try new teas without the "commitment" of having to purchase a full tin, so I am especially grateful to Linda for including these great goodies in my giveaway package!


  1. Such a nice assortment to sample... that hot cinnamon spice really is amazing, isn't it?

  2. Samples from a friend are a nice way to try new teas. I did have an Earl Grey I didn't like several years ago. We were at my aunt's home in Florida and I don't know what brand it was but the tea tasted like I was drinking perfume. This is my favourite and I order it when in restaurants so I'm thinking auntie's tea had too much artificial flavouring. I didn't drink it, doubt that any serious tea drinker would.

  3. Nice to know! The only one of those I have tried is Hot Cinnamon Spice, which I really like. I am glad to read your reviews of the other ones, they sound like they'd be good to try, too.

  4. Earl Grey is my all-time favorite tea, with my favorite brand being Bigelow (not their decaf, though, which, I think, is pretty flavorless).

    All 4 of your tea blends sound wonderful. The vanilla grapefruit is especially intriguing to me. I am going to look for that.

    What a lovely, gracious giveaway from Linda.

  5. These are actually some of my favorites of Harneys teas.

  6. Did I share Hot Cinnamon Spice with you? Or was it their Birthday tea? Either way they both are good. As is the Paris, I buy a tin of that (and Hot Cinnamon Spice) a few times a year.

  7. I have enjoyed the Paris tea before and it is quite good. I always love Harney's packaging too.

  8. Paris is one of my favorite tea thanks to a friend who gifted it to me. I often have it when the day has been overly stressful. The Hot Cinnamon is nice too, but I tend to prefer Holiday Tea when given the option. Of course, this time of year you really need their Valentine tea. Wonderful!!!


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