Many years ago now, I stopped going to those popular home sales parties, cold turkey. I'd found them to be a vicious cycle: You go to your friend's jewelry party and desperately want the cute "hostess gift" you can only receive for having a party. Then you have to go to the 10 parties that your friends throw because *they* want the hostess gift. Or if someone doesn't have a jewelry party but they have a home decor party, then you have to go to that. I met all my outstanding party obligations, gently let my friends know I didn't "do" such parties anymore, and that was that.

But just before Thanksgiving, a friend who didn't know me back then sent me an invitation to a new home sales party, Blessings Unlimited, and I broke my decades-long pledge and decided to go. I was (and am) impressed by the idea of a home party business featuring an inspirational line of products, especially since my town no longer has a Christian bookstore. While I didn't book a party, I did purchase this teapot and two teacups, and I love that many of the products have scripture on them. The teapot says "Flowers appear on the earth, the season of singing has come" (Song of Songs 2:12).

From overhead, the teacup and saucer set sports a sort of tiled, mosaic looking design, but remove the cup and you can see that the saucer reads "Moment by moment grace unfolds."

I actually have a plan for this new tea set. Have you ever read about those thoughtful women who surprise their friends one day by just showing up with a basket full of ready-to-drink tea and teatime treats? Well, I want to *be* one of those women. I have no idea who or when, but I dearly hope to "bless" someone with these tea blessings in the coming year. That's probably the most fun New Year's resolution I could make!
The tea set you purchased is pretty - I like the combination floral and geometric pattern, soft colors and scripture verse. I also like your fun plan for using this set.
ReplyDeleteAngela, what a lovely set. Thank you for the jog of memory, I did a picnic tea for two friends, one recuperating from surgery, a few years ago. It was a blessing to us all and it is something I need to do again and again. Now, do you have any quick food ideas?
ReplyDeleteOh, I don't blame you.I stopped going to home parties years ago too.No one was as happy as my husband when I stopped.If I was invited to that party I would want to go.The key word is WANT.Beautiful teapot with Gods words on them.
ReplyDeleteI agree...especially difficult to stop going when you are part of a large church with lots of folks wanting you to come & share their enthusiasm. But what a lovey, serendipitous treasure! I love and and see why you succumbed!
I think your new year's resolution is perfect, what a good idea. And the little teapot and cups is the perfect set to take along. I will keep this in mind and who knows the opportunity may come along to surprise someone with tea.
ReplyDeleteI too gave up home parties many years ago. Most of the stuff can be purchased on ebay for less. (And I know all the home party sellers out there are going to have a "fit" by that last comment). I love your idea of surprising a friend with tea.
ReplyDeleteI've been really drawn to cups and teapots with script on them. I really like these, and the colors are great too!
ReplyDeleteThis set is so nice. I've never heard of this Home Sales company. I'll be on the look out for them and also for the day you knock on MY door. Ha!
ReplyDeleteAngela, what a pretty tea set and such a thoughtful idea, a surprise tea!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about the home party 'routine' (candles, cookware, decor, 'oh my!'), and it can be a bit pricey.*
* I can still hear my husband saying, 'You paid how much for those candles?'
I would have bought the tea set, though and you have good plans for it, so you 'did good.'
Have a great day, Joanie