No, this is NOT going to be a depressing blog post today, so please hear me out! Just because I, in all my klutziness, murdered a few teawares the other day, I refuse to spend too much time worrying about it.

I was vacuuming the dining room after putting up the last of the decorations and happened to bump into this teacup display shelf. Yes, yes, I know, a better woman would have thought to install pieces of that gummed stuff to hold her cups and saucers in place, but I had not. So there. What I found most odd, though, is that I broke a cup from one set and a saucer from another. I don't believe I could repeat that trick if I tried!

So here's what I ended up with, a very Victorian cup with soft, faded colors and a bright, darker floral saucer. Sigh. But you know what? I'm going to save these pieces and use them in my little tea garden this spring! The broken pieces, I've decided, will become mosaic designs on some stepping stones that are already out there but a little dull looking. So ... when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you broken cups and saucers, dream a little! But help me out here and please tell me about the last item you broke. It'll make me feel better to know I'm not alone!
When putting Christmas candles in our living room window, my hubby didn't take the time to move my muffin stand that held a bone china teapot, creamer & sugar set from Germany and a Lefton tea for one. He accidentally knocked the muffin stand over and I came home to find the broken pieces sitting on my dining room table. I was so disappointed because both were gifts and irreplaceable. BUT as much as I treasured those items the mishap became a spiritual lesson helping me realize that they were only things on loan for me to enjoy. None of my "treasures" [most of which are tea things] will go with me into eternity, so I'm trying to learn to enjoy my "stuff" without too much attachment.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't me it was a mover.The last move a couple of years ago,(See its still fresh in my mind)when its china or colored glass I can't forget.A lid to my Aunts lavender glass sugar bowl broke during the move. I went to micheals and put a bunch of those tiny wedding flowers in it.thought it would help.Every time I walk by it I think about it for a second.
ReplyDeleteThat mismatched cup and saucer looks pretty. What a great idea to make garden mosaics with the broken pieces.
ReplyDeleteMy grandsons often break my things. I think the last couple were a Polish pottery teapot lid and a crystal butter dish cover.
The last thing I broke was day before yesterday and it was a strap on a relatively new pair of shoes. I'm going to take them back to the store and see if I can get them replaced because I really liked them.
ReplyDeleteThe tea item that I broke was a bequest from my step-mother-in-law's mother (convoluted I know). Ma Holden had a lovely moss rose tea pot and set of moss rose snack sets that I received when she passed away. The first time I used them was for a Christmas tea for a few dear friends. While I was pouring tea, the top fell off the tea pot and broke the cup into which I was pouring tea. My guests were aghast because they knew the story behind the tea wares. I tired to comfort myself by saying that Ma Holden would rather I use the things and risk breaking them then leave them in a cabinet to collect dust.
The blessing side of this story is that a couple of months after I broke the cup I found a set of four snack plates that matched the one I broke in a shop on the Eastern Shore. So now I have seven cups and eight plates and I still use them as often as possible.
angela - I am so sorry. I don't know if you remember the post I had about a year or more ago showing the ones our dog broken running with that plastic thing on his head. I sympathize totally!
ReplyDeleteI have saved broken teacups also for a mosaic yet to be made. I kind of like the mismatched set. I think I would use it for my breakfast tea with great JOY. At Magnolia and Ivy years ago (did you ever go there?) they used there broken cups, tieing them into a wreath they hung proudly above the fireplace. They actually made a very pretty decoration.
ReplyDeleteAngela, I am so sorry for the broken china but I like 'your Spirit,' in making lemonade out of lemons: good for you!
ReplyDeleteTwo memories of broken treasures -
my Godmother had given me some Heisey crystal glasses (they had roosters in the stem & roosters on top of the cocktail shaker).
I did not know their value, until one of our military moves & the rooster 'broke off' of one of the glasses. Then we found out these were pretty pricey roosters! But I knew Marge would be happy that we were using them and I always thought of her when we brought the glasses out, we gave her a 'toast!'
When I was in Missouri, quite a few friends were from Ireland and they collected Waterford crystal. At that time, around 1990, there were news stories about a possible earthquake, along Missouri's Madrid fault line. My friends would actually wrap all the crystal pieces in tee-shirts & newspapers, 'have an earthquake drill' and put the crystal pieces, in their cars. (No earthquake came, but they sure were prepared if one ever did come!) We usually had a party, during these drills!
I have a suggestion for your broken pieces: a shadow box, lined in velvet, with some pieces arranged 'artfully,' might make for a piece of art work.
Thanks for sharing your story, love your posts, Joanie
Angela, I love to go to thrift shops and buy the 'orphaned' cup or saucer...I then use my mismatched set and enjoy it very much. I have always loved things that don't match but are in the same color scheme or similar pattern and my home reflects it. I was 'shabby chic' before it became so popular...I say use them together and enjoy them! Love your blog!
Yesterday! I chipped one of my blue and white cups in my Bombay collection. That makes 2 out of 6. It made me so mad. Because I broke them both the same way. My sink! It's white porceline. I break stuff in it all the time. Ugh!
ReplyDeleteWhere did you get the display rack for the cups and saucers? I need to give up my china cabinet but don't want to put my 12 Russian cup/saucers in a cupboard.