Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Malty Biscuit Brew Yorkshire Tea



Talk about some happy mail! An unexpected gift was in my mailbox the other day, and it was a package of this Malty Biscuit Brew tea from Yorkshire Tea. What made this gift even more special was that my friend Frances got this for me on her recent trip to England!

This tea really does taste like a pleasant black tea with a slightly sweet finish that's reminiscent of a British biscuit (or cookie). Frances said it's one of her favorites, and I can see why!

"Tastes like tea and biscuits," says the box, and I am so delighted to agree!


  1. We discovered this a few years ago and it is a special christmas stocking treat.We have a 4 teabag tea pot and my husband figured out that 1 malty tea bag plus 3 regular tastes great and stretches out the box.I was dubious about trying this tea but loe Digestive Biscuits that I had to give it a shot.

    1. Thanks for sharing your "recipe" to prolong the life of this tea!

  2. That's interesting to have a tea that tastes like tea and biscuits! I had never heard of it before. I'm rather surprised that it's so popular, but I do admit to liking to dunk my biscuits in my tea.


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