What I really love about this book is that the author gives very detailed step-by-step instructions on how to make the charms.
Friday, July 30, 2021
A wonderful Dollar Tree find
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
A cookie you won't snicker over
Sometimes, the perfect dessert is just a cookie away, and I wanted to tell you about an easy new cookie recipe I tried over the weekend. It was one of these necessity-is-the-mother-of-invention things. I had half a box of graham cracker crumbs left over from a dessert I made for Father's Day last month, and I didn't have anything in mind for them, so I thought I'd look online and see if anything caught my eye. I found this snickerdoodle recipe, and it was just the thing.
Monday, July 26, 2021
Am I blue?
And indeed they are! At about six inches wide, these are definitely the largest loose leaf tea bags I've ever come across!
Friday, July 23, 2021
Some new thrifty finds
And this one. I haven't had time to read the whole thing yet, but I'm intrigued by the concept of a reading woman being "dangerous." So have you found any thrifty finds lately? I'd love to hear about them!
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Sunday's bridal tea menu
When my friend LeeAnne, shown here, asked me to be a part of this bridal tea on Sunday, I was quite happy. Even when I can't participate, I always, always feel left out if there's a tea somewhere and I wasn't invited to be a part of it. So if you live in another state, be sure to send me an invite to your tea and just know that I probably won't be able to attend. Ha! (After looking at this photo, I realized that later, before the guests arrived, someone straightened the little embellishment thingie on top of the stand at left, which had obviously come unscrewed a bit. Bless them.)
I absolutely love the folks in my Sunday school class. If there is a need anywhere in the church, they know to hit us up, and honestly, you have to be on your toes to make a donation because someone in this class will beat you to it! So while sometimes I've fretted over whether there would be enough food at a "group tea" that I wasn't in charge of (can you say control freak?), that never crossed my mind with this group. For one thing, our beloved Marla, who has done some professional catering, was supplying the tea sandwiches, so I knew they would be good and plentiful. Here are some of her cucumber sandwiches (perfectly thin and wonderfully crunchy) and pimiento cheese sandwiches (which I forgot to try!).
These Hawaiian rolls were used for the chicken salad sandwiches, and in the middle were the salmon sandwiches on wheat bread, both absolutely delicious.
Monday, July 19, 2021
A bridal tea for Jordan!

Friday, July 16, 2021
Black Tea & Blackberry Lip Balm from Jack Black
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
A pop-up tea room in Tokyo
Reader Diane M. has shared a most fascinating teatime article, and you can find it here. (The screen grab above shows what it looked like on Designboom.com at the time I accessed it.)
Apparently, this tea room is a temporary structure that architect Terunobu Fujimori installed to coincide with the Tokyo Olympics, and it's certainly unlike any tea room I've seen before. When I read the article, I was especially intrigued that the method of charring the wood preserves it and provides fire resistance. Instantly reminded me of how God uses trials in our lives to strengthen and preserve us, but I'd certainly never thought of "charred" wood as strong before. Interesting!
I hope we'll hear more about this tea room in the weeks leading up to the Olympics, so keep your eyes peeled, friends. And yes, I would love to go to tea there. Would you?
Monday, July 12, 2021
A new variation of Brown Sugar Shortbread
I have made this Brown Sugar Shortbread (recipe here) more times than I can count. I refrigerate the dough when I make it in summer so that it gets stiff enough to cut cleanly, and it always, always comes out great and tastes so rich and buttery. Next Sunday, my Sunday school class is giving a bridal tea in honor of the daughter of one of our members, and I was delighted to be asked to help. So yesterday, I decided to try making this shortbread with the addition of a teaspoon of Earl Grey Lavender and Roses tea, and it is as delicious as I suspected it would be. I didn't have a tea bag in this flavor of tea, so I just pulverized the tea in a spice grinder.
I'll be contributing the scones and jam and cream to next week's tea, and I decided that I'll take this shortbread, too, just because you can never have too many offerings at a group tea. The tiny little flecks are tea! At first, I was going to do something different and cut these out with my teaspoon-shaped cookie cutter instead of the teapot one that I normally use, but Alex agreed with me that once it baked, it resembled a dog bone, and that wasn't quite the look I was going for. (Plus, the "handle" of the teaspoon cookie was so thin that it broke when I lifted it off the pan, but Alex was happy to eat it, anyway.) A reader once asked if it was necessary to prick the shortbread with the tines of a fork before baking, and it isn't. It's simply my attempt at making these cookies look like that yummy Walker's Shortbread.
When I was asked if I had some teapots and teacups we could use for the tea, I laughed. (If they only knew …) But I suggested we use these tea and toast sets since they'll be easier to balance when everyone is roaming all over my Sunday school teacher's house, where we're holding the tea. I've already started pulling everything out and am greatly looking forward to my first tea in quite some time. We're all supposed to wear hats to the tea, so hopefully I'll have cute photos for you this time next week!
Saturday, July 10, 2021
The Tea Time magazine winner is … Malick!
And I've just sent a notification email, so the magazine should go in the mail soon. Thank you to all who entered!
Friday, July 9, 2021
A pop-up magazine giveaway
Are you seeing double? I am. Earlier this year, I renewed my subscription to Tea Time magazine, but when weeks and weeks passed and I hadn't received the July/August issue, I emailed them, and they promised to send out that issue. They did, and the brown envelope containing it arrived the same day as … my issue with the subscription label on it. So who would like the spare copy? If you'll leave an "Enter me" to this post between now and 7 a.m. tomorrow, July 10, I'll pick a winner and pop the magazine in the mail to you. (US only, please.)
I'm glad I didn't miss this issue, though, because it's their annual British issue, which is always a favorite. One of the first things that caught my eye was this Johnson Brothers Eastbourne teapot, which resembles a green Homer Laughlin pattern on some plates I have. I would never have guessed this was Johnson Brothers, but I like it.
And the recipes this time include some of my favorite summertime flavors, a Lemon-Lavender Shortbread and Blueberry-Ginger Tartlets.
For tea equipage fans, there's a wonderful feature on teapoys, these lovely pedestal tables that I didn't even know about until recently, and now I'm going to need one in order to live a normal life.
So surely somebody out there doesn't subscribe to Tea Time and could use this extra issue. Is it you?
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
Bigelow Botanicals Cold Water Infusion—Watermelon Cucumber Mint
Like many of us, I'm sure, I'm always on a quest to drink more water, and I am happy to report that I've been enjoying the refreshing new Watermelon Cucumber Mint variety of Bigelow's new water infusion "tea" that I picked up at the grocery store recently.
The ingredients include "chamomile, hibiscus, rooibos, licorice, cranberry fiber, peppermint, ashwagandha, natural watermelon and cucumber flavors with other natural flavors (contains <1% natural watermelon and cucumber juice from concentrate)." The only thing I questioned in that list was "cranberry fiber" (maybe the fiber has a cranberry taste?). Now that the summer heat has made an appearance, I've been sipping ice water like crazy, so this flavored herbal infusion is a nice treat. It's definitely weaker than an iced herbal tea and seems much more like the fruit-infused water I've had in the fridge in summers past.
And as always, Bigelow gets freshness points for packaging their blends in individual foil packets. I'm ready to try my next Bigelow Botanical. Have any of you tried the other varieties, and if so, what do you recommend?