Friday, June 19, 2020

Ice-brewed green tea

This may look like just a glass of ordinary iced tea, but oh, my friends, it is not.

Why, you may ask, do I have loose tea sprinkled over a pan of ice cubes?

Well, so I watched this brief video the other day. Although I don't have any Japanese green tea on hand, I heard the words "cold water extracts less bitterness," and I was sold. So I tried this method with some gunpowder green tea I had, and to my surprise, it really doesn't have that astringent flavor that is so often associated with green tea! I did, of course, have to strain the tea leaves before pouring the brewed tea into a glass, but then I had a nice big pan full of tea leaves to toss on my roses, so that was good. Am I the last person to hear about ice-brewed green tea? Have you heard of it?


  1. No, I'd never heard of ice-brewed green tea! It sounds pretty weird. I don't care for green tea, but I DO like your pretty lace-and-roses tea glass!

  2. I’ve never heard of this. I’ll give it a try. Thanks for sharing

  3. I have heard of it, but I usually make my iced tea just with cold water in the refrigerator overnight. It is indeed a better way to make iced tea. I use teabags or put my loose tea in T-sacs and you can leave it in even while you are drinking it. It never gets bitter. I keep a large teapot in the refrigerator all the time with cold tea in it.

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