Friday, August 2, 2013

A new napkin from a friend

A friend's birthday gift was surreptitiously dropped off Tuesday morning. In that day's mail, a card from her arrived. How, I wondered, did she manage to get a thank-you note written so quickly? (Princess Diana was so thorough in writing her thank-you's, she was once accused by a magazine editor friend of writing the thank-you note *before* she even went to the party, so the next time she made sure to mention what the editor was wearing that night so the friend would know the note was written after the fact!) But no, my friend hadn't yet written the thank-you note for her birthday gift, she was simply sending me a thoughtful note and including this gift, a hand-embroidered teacup napkin she found at a local thrift store.

Isn't it delightful?

The teacup is so pretty and pink -- so cheerful!

Even the crocheted edging ... I know many of you find the same beauty in these details that I do. What a lovely idea to tuck a single napkin into a card for a friend. I think I'll try to copy her sweet idea one day soon!


  1. The teacup embroidered napkin is lovely, Angela, and so is your friend's thoughtfulness!

  2. I like that idea, and the napkin is beautiful. I can't do the crochet edging but I may try to copy that embroidered teacup one of these days. Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Ah, that is soooo sweet. I love it and appreciate the handwork. What a good friend.
    Ruthie from Lady B's

  4. What a lovely gift - so pretty. And that is a beautiful teacup too.

  5. A perfect pairing for your cup! And a lovely photo, too.

  6. A sweet gesture from your friend and as you say, a nice way to make someone's day special. I like the crocheted teacup and the edging, very pretty.

  7. What a sweet little gift from your friend. I love pretty embroidered napkins like that.

  8. Such a sweet little napkin. The pattern looks like it would be easy to copy, also. So fun!

  9. Hello Angela, what a thoughtful gift. I know you will treasure it.


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