Maybe it's because it was a different era back then, but these vintage Valentines just strike me as so very sweet! I think one of the reasons I so love vintage Valentines is that they remind me of a simpler, more innocent time.

If you'd like to recall some sweet times of your own, how about recording them in a new journal with a pretty teacup on the cover? (I also got one of these for myself, and it's going to serve as my new garden journal this year!)

If you'd like to be today's giveaway winner, just leave a comment or answer this question by 7 a.m. EST tomorrow: Do you keep a journal? (Giveaway open to U.S. residents only.) Good luck!
Yes, I do keep a Journal . I started to record the days activities while in Calgary. I adopted the idea from my friends Uncle Ray in 2001.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very pretty journal! I keep a journal of tea room visits. I recently started a journal of my tea cups. I also have many little notebooks with lists for various things. I love little notebooks and journals.
ReplyDeleteSuch a lovely journal. I kept a garden journal for a few years and then my entries became more and more infrequent. Maybe it's time I picked this up again; I have more to journal these days than I did then :-)
ReplyDeleteI love Linda's idea of a tea cup journal, how sweet.
I forgot to mention, I have enjoyed your vintage valentines this week.
ReplyDeleteA garden Journal is a lovely idea - I have so many plans for my garden this year!
ReplyDeleteRecently, I was challenged to keep a journal of my blessings. This sweet notebook would be just the thing for that activity.
ReplyDeleteAngela, thanks again for providing an extra fun week. Because we have been out of school since Tuesday, I enjoyed the treat of reading your blog on a daily basis (rather than my usual practice of reading a week's worth on Saturday). You truly have a gift with words! B-)
I love the Valentine this morning - so sweet! A nice reminder of days past, when life was less complicated.
ReplyDeleteI keep a journal of all the good times and blessings we have, it makes me appreciate 'the good times.' Have enjoyed your Valentines Week so much, thanks for creating these fun times, Angela! Have a great weekend,
I have a friend who always giggles at my purchases of journals. I have so many! I have a wildlife journal, travel journals, sketching journals, mixed media journals! And I can always use one more! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway!
You're right about the Valentines -they do seem sweet and innocent. I sure wish that I'd saved some from the 50's, or even that I could remember my Valentines from the 50's. ;-)
ReplyDeleteThat is a very pretty journal. I like to keep a journal of our vacations. I also have one for tea room visits, but haven't made many entries lately (so sad we've lost Holly Cottage).
What a beautiful journal! Just what I need to record the changes i'm making to my garden this year.
ReplyDeleteI have kept different types of journals over the years. The Gratitude Journal is my favorite as it is a lovely reminder of all of the wornderful blessings I have had in my life. I also use one to compile menu ideas for my Afternoon Tea Menus.
ReplyDeleteHow generous of you to offer all of these sweet Valentines and the giveaways, Angela. Thank you and have a Happy Valentine's Day!
I don't have room for a garden but do love journals. And this one is so lovely. Sketch journals, idea journals, wish journals, collage findings journals, word journals,
ReplyDeleteand the list goes on.
Thanks for a fun pre-valentine week. Today's "cookie" valentine just goes with tea.
What a gorgeous journal. I am a violet lover and wonder if you would share where you bought the journal?
ReplyDeleteThis journal is simply beautiful... and perfect for the eagerly anticipated arrival of spring! Like Linda J., I have a journal of tea room visits, although I was much more descriptive in earlier years than I am now. Love today's vintage Valentine - you're right, it was a simpler time.
I keep a journal of special vacations and I am currently trying to keep a journal of devotional thoughts that I am supposed to share with a dear friend weekly. Perhaps this journal would make that easier.
ReplyDeleteI've loved your valentines!!
Yes, I also keep a journal, which I started many years ago. I especially like going back to read my early memories, thoughts. Thank you for offering such a beautiful journal. I also thank you for a week of beautiful vintage Valentines Day cards! Happy Valentine's Day to you!
ReplyDeleteI love to use a journal for a special project that I am working on. Pretty cover!!! Thanks for sharing all these wonderful gifts with us this week.
ReplyDeleteI do keep a journal. Several actually for different things. I even have one for my boys. It's a happy birthday journal of their accomplishments through the year. I write it in the form of a letter to my sons. When they are older I will give it to them. Thanks! I love your blog, I look at it everyday.
ReplyDeleteTerry C., PA
I keep a tea journal, of tea parties I did and attended. Love your vintage Valentines.
Yes, I have been journaling for over 20 yrs. When I was a kid we used to call it a diary :-)
ReplyDeleteI have also kept a garden journal for the last few years.
The one you're giving away is very pretty.
Keeping a journal is one of the finer things in life! Handwriting is in danger of becoming extinct! Life is too fast paced, and I long for simpler times.
ReplyDeleteI keep a journal of quilts I have made and one of the canning I do each year. My mom keeps our joint garden journal; otherwise I would have another!
ReplyDeleteThank you for a lovely week of your sweet Valentine's. I really enjoyed seeing your gift for each giveaway. You amaze me with the the great tea things and pretties that you find. Thank you for your generous spirit.
ReplyDeleteOooh, I was at the Cracker Barrel today and they had gotten in some sweet, decorative teapot pillows that I hadn't seen before...so cute. One style was short & round and the other tall. I bought the round one.
It's about salad plate size size...bright colors with the teapot handle to hang from, a tea bag hanging on the side that says Fresh Brewed and the pot says, "It's Always Tea Time -somewhere" and $4.99. My fuzzy brain can't remember what the tall one said but it was just as cute and pretty :)
I have kept a garden journal for ten years. I've been so glad lately because I have such a poor memory.
Happy Valentine's to all!