Recently my husband said he thought it would be fun if we started going junking once a month or so, and of course I was quite game for that! Saturday morning was sunny and the weather was turning warmer (hallelujah), so we headed to northeast Alabama. We had been to two of the three antique stores we knew were in Centre, Ala. when we happened upon yet another store that wasn't on our map. I found some teacups there that were priced pretty fairly, but nothing that really bowled me over. Then, I spied a row of junky old glasses and thought I spotted a familiar pattern. Tea Room depression glass! Yes! It was the tall footed tumbler, it had no chips or nicks, and it was just $2! So now I have a clear piece to join my
pink Tea Room sugar and creamer, and I couldn't have been happier. (Well, unless the tumbler had been pink, but I was still pretty happy!)

That was the find of the day, but a close second was this: two vintage Paragon mugs for just $2.50 each. I normally favor teacups over mugs, but I thought these were beautiful and at yard sale prices I had to get them.

The pink pattern is Victoriana Rose, and the blue pattern of forget-me-nots is Remember Me. Both are stamped with the royal warrant reading "By appointment to Her Majesty the Queen - China Potters."

My other find of the day was this vintage hat which I picked up for a magazine layout I have planned. I think it will be just perfect for what I have in mind.

The colors are great, and the floppy little velvet bow makes me happy.

Funny, I got home and sat it on the dining table and realized it is a perfect match for my current placemats. Maybe I'll decorate with it!

If you're ever antiquing in the Alabama area, be sure to pick up a brochure or go online to
AlabamaAntiqueTrail.com. This brochure was quite helpful with its map of the whole state marking the various clusters of antique shops. It's definitely a trail worth following!