Yesterday my friend Beth and I made a trip to Fayetteville and enjoyed our second time of taking tea at Aunt Laura's Sweet Shoppe and Tea Room. We enjoyed the good food and service we experienced before, and "Aunt Laura's mom" asked us our review of a new finger sandwich she was serving: cream cheese with orange marmalade and pecans on dark bread. We both reported we liked it, and she seemed very pleased. Everything was quite tasty, but I was truly impressed with their homemade petits fours, which were as light and moist as you'd ever hope to eat, not the rock-hard petits fours you often get. I bought a few things in the gift shop area, a cookie and some silverplated rose teaspoons, and they came home in this sweet little bag.
Friday, August 29, 2008
"Souvenirs" from Aunt Laura's
Yesterday my friend Beth and I made a trip to Fayetteville and enjoyed our second time of taking tea at Aunt Laura's Sweet Shoppe and Tea Room. We enjoyed the good food and service we experienced before, and "Aunt Laura's mom" asked us our review of a new finger sandwich she was serving: cream cheese with orange marmalade and pecans on dark bread. We both reported we liked it, and she seemed very pleased. Everything was quite tasty, but I was truly impressed with their homemade petits fours, which were as light and moist as you'd ever hope to eat, not the rock-hard petits fours you often get. I bought a few things in the gift shop area, a cookie and some silverplated rose teaspoons, and they came home in this sweet little bag.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Ready to try some new teas?
Today at lunchtime, I'll be going to a tea room with a friend for lunch. I'm looking forward to catching up with my friend and seeing what this tea room is up to these days, but I'm also looking forward to trying a new tea or two.
After drinking gallons of iced tea this summer, I'm starting to get a hankering to trade in my pretty iced tea glasses for some cups and saucers and brew up some steaming cups of tea with cinnamon and spices and cranberries and other "fall" tasting flavors. And that brings me to a great new resource that some of you may wish to check out.
Do you subscribe to the World Tea News? You can sign up at, and you'll get an information-packed e-mail in your in-box each week, and no junk. This week's e-mail contained a link to the World Tea Buyer's Guide, which reviews 200+ teas entered in this year's World Tea Expo competition. This is a free download, and you can read a summary and/or download it here. If you try one of these new teas, please share your review!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tea room business cards

Over the years I've made a point of collecting business cards from the various tea rooms I have visited. The very first one, up top, is from the Crumpet Tea Room in Rogers, Ark., since it was the first tea room I ever visited. Next is my favorite Georgia tea room, The Tea Room in Savannah, followed by others I have visited and enjoyed. I should point out that the Grand Hotel's tea room, Urban Tea Party and A Time Remembered have all closed, although I have lots of pleasant memories associated with these places.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Some new tea party treats
"For our tea selection today, we have two iced teas, a sweetened Mango Tea and an unsweet organic Peppermint Tea. Our hot tea is an Apple and Cinnamon flavored tea. Our menu today begins with a Chicken Salad Scoop with Butterfly Garnish. For our scones, we have Currant Scones served with Lemon Curd and then Chocolate Chip Mini-Scones as well. Our finger sandwiches include the teapot-shaped ones, which are Cucumber Cream on white bread, and then the heart-shaped ones and the pinwheels are homemade Pimiento Cheese on wheat bread. For our sweets, we have Arnold Palmer Cupcakes and, of course, Daddy's Coconut Cake."
That's almost verbatim what I said to everyone yesterday at Aunt Jane's Birthday Tea. I always love giving that little spiel just like I would do at my own tea room. The Pimiento Cheese recipe is from the book Screen Doors and Sweet Tea by Martha Hall Foose, and I like it so much I've been making a batch weekly for sandwiches. I made a loaf of wheat bread in the bread machine Sunday after church, froze it for a couple of hours so it would be stiff enough for slicing, and then I was able to cut off the crusts and get a nice long slice to roll up, spread with the Pimiento Cheese, and cut into pinwheels. I figured I was home free on that idea, but then Monday morning the bread, which I'd thawed, didn't roll up well at all, so I just sliced the bread and cut it into heart shapes. I'd still like to make a pinwheel finger sandwich that is on real bread, not on a tortilla, but I want the bread to be longer than a regular slice of bread. Ideas, anyone?
And following are a few more miscellaneous pictures. One of them is of a silver overlay dish I found the other week (a real bargain at just $2.75) at an antique mall. I didn't realize until polishing it up to use with the pink rose sugar cubes I made that the little dish matches the tea pitcher I found a few weeks back. Love when that happens. And I love hosting tea parties!

Monday, August 25, 2008
A Birthday Tea for Aunt Jane
My Aunt Jane herself would tell you that today is a very important birthday: she's 60. My mother's younger sister, Aunt Jane is mildly mentally retarded and doesn't always get the year right, but she certainly gets the date right, and we could hardly get through the tea being held in her honor without Aunt Jane asking if we were going to sing "Happy Birthday" to her again. (I say "again" because my parents, with whom she has lived since my grandmother passed away 12 years ago, sang it to her as soon as she woke this morning.)
Also at the tea were my mom, my sister, my two other nieces, and my sister's mother-in-law, Daresa (rhymes with Teresa), above with Amelia, who is visiting from Texas. She is always lots of fun, so I am always happy when she's in town and can join in our celebrations. (I'd show a picture of the table where my mom and Aunt Jane were, but mom had her eyes closed in both photos and would have a spell if she saw that one published.)
On the table in the dining room, I used this tea set that was a gift from Aunt Jane.
I was very happy to be able to use two vintage teapot-themed tablecloths I've found in recent months, this one ...
And I can't resist showing off some photos of the nieces, so here's Madison ...
Friday, August 22, 2008
A Crocheted Tea Mug Cozy

You know, I have so many enablers in my tea habit, I will never get over this fondness for all things tea! Just in the past week, I've been e-mailed tips about where to find a great tea-infused cupcake recipe (my sister Rhonda), where to find a green tea Kit Kat bar (my blog reader friend Gerri), and where to find an adorable tea mug cozy (my friend Mandy at work). I know some of you think I'm far tea-wiser than is true, so I just wanted you to know that my associates deserve their due. And when Mandy sent me a link to a website featuring some adorable crocheted tea pot and tea mug cozies, I knew I would be trying to crochet one of these mug cozies for myself.

I'm so ready for fall, I think the idea of making a cozy little cozy really appealed to me. And what teabag did I use for evening sipping once the cozy was complete? Why, Cozy Chamomile of course!
UPDATE: I am afraid I didn't keep this pattern (no one was interested when I wrote this post years ago), so the pattern is no longer available. There are, however, plenty of similar patterns on Pinterest and on the internet. Good luck!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
"To Think of Tea!" by Agnes Repplier, 1932
As a slow reader, I am not normally one to start and finish a book in a single evening, but I did last night. It's the 1932 book "To Think of Tea!" by Agnes Repplier. Is she possibly one of the ladies in the photo opposite the title page? The book doesn't say. I don't know anything about Agnes except that she has written what is possibly the most delightful, lively and entertaining book about tea I've ever read.
I learned so much that was so helpful, so interesting. For instance, we tea lovers have long heard that it was the Portuguese Catherine of Braganza who brought tea to the court of England. But I did not know it was because Catherine was barren that her husband, Charles II, "strove to give her what trifling pleasures he could." Agnes makes lots of social commentary throughout her book, noting sweetly that Charles "was always, save in the matter of faithfulness, considerate of his spouse." She compares him with other rulers who were both unfaithful and ill-tempered, so I suppose she has a point.
And though I never before have been tempted to read James Boswell's biography of Dr. Samuel Johnson, now I'm quite eager to read it. A million times I've read the quote that Johnson was "a hardened and shameless tea-drinker, who has for many years diluted his meals with only the infusion of this fascinating plant; whose kettle has scarcely time to cool; who with tea amuses the evening, with tea solaces the midnight, and with tea welcomes the morning." I had no idea how literally this was meant: Johnson was forever The Guest Who Will Not Leave and was often up til 2 a.m., 4 a.m. or later with a host, often on the pretense of requiring more tea. (Agnes says the doctor did not know the wise counsel of Marcus Aurelius, "Be able to be alone.")
I could easily share a dozen more charming passages, but permit me one more. Keep in mind she is writing in 1932, when the tea room craze in America was in its heyday. She was put out that some tea rooms did not, in fact, serve tea, and the ones that did didn't take it seriously. "A whole page, several columns wide, about tea-rooms holds never a word about tea, save and except the satanic suggestion to put a piece of preserved ginger, or a couple of cloves, into the tea-pot." I love Agnes, and I'll bet some of you will too. I found my copy of her book on eBay, and if you come across one yourself, I'd love to hear your review!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Avon teatime collectibles

In college, I was an Avon lady. An enterprising team manager knew a potential victim when she saw one, and she lured me in with the promise of getting a huge discount on the new Scarlett O'Hara porcelain figurine if I joined up, so I did. (I was a huge Gone With the Wind fan back in the day.) My career with Avon was short-lived, but through the years I've remained awfully fond of Avon and those cute little "campaigns" they issue every two weeks. I think there's a good chance they'll offer teatime collectibles in the future, but the two Avon collectibles I currently own are both courtesy of Avon past, including this Teatime Moonwind Powder Sachet. The little glass figurine has holes in the top, so you can shake out the powder. Let's just say the powder is not a scent I wish to wear throughout the day, but I love the little glass teapot.

There are several other teatime collectibles Avon made that I'd like to own if I ever find them for a good price. There are at least two more pins (one is gold with a rhinestone drop of "tea," the other a blue and white porcelain teapot), and there's a whole set of beautiful teacups I think were either sold or given exlusively to Avon reps. I saw a nice display of them in an antique store for $40 per set. And finally, there is a Tea Party Barbie Avon made that both my niece Cari and I want!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
New tea cosmetics

Over the weekend I was in a Publix in Gainesville when I spotted the famous "clearance rack" I have learned to visit at all Publix stores. Leftover summer toys and things were popular here on Lake Lanier, but of course I had to check out the entire clearance rack to satisfy myself there were no good buys to be had. And then, Eureka! I found Alba's aloe and green tea oil-free moisturizer on sale for $6.50 (retail price: $16.95). I checked the label and camellia sinensis leaf extract is indeed an ingredient.

I was surprised to discover such a noticeable floral scent on this facial product. I happen to really like the scent, but I'm betting others would prefer no scent, so if you come across this product you might want to be aware of this particular feature. It's a lightweight moisturizer, and so far I'm very happy with it. I'm rather surprised I haven't heard of Alba cosmetics before. Does anyone have any other experience with Alba's line?

Monday, August 18, 2008
Roses & Acorns
Now that my enthusiastic support for Michael Phelps has succeeded in helping him win those eight gold medals, I can return to thinking about other important things like tea parties (I've got one coming up in a week) and decorating for the golden season that's just around the corner. When my mom and I went antiquing last weekend (the Rome/Adairsville area), I found THE perfect platter for fall teas. It's a nice size, about 9 x 13 inches, and it features the roses I so love intermingled with the oak leaves and acorns of fall.

There's some crazing too, but no chips or cracks, so I'll probably use this for serving scones or madeleines.

Perhaps I was just weary of summer, but I definitely had other seasons on the brain during that shopping jaunt. I rarely buy anything with red in it, but this small teapot was just $3 and said "Christmas decor" to me.

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