Wednesday, October 16, 2024

It's always time for tea

I've bought souvenirs for friends during my travels over the years, but it is still always such a wonderful surprise when a traveling friend brings home something for me. On Sunday, my friend Patti showed up at Sunday school with this cute box of tea that features the clock face on the Elizabeth Tower, aka Big Ben! She was part of a group that went on a spiritual heritage tour of England and Scotland, a trip I'd like to take myself one day.

Isn't the tea bag packaging cute? I don't believe I've ever seen a tea bag packet that used a tea bag *graphic* in the design before. A fun idea!

And when Patti gave me the tea, she laughed and said, "It's probably terrible, but here it is anyway." Well, I know from experience that sometimes, souvenir teas are indeed terrible, but this one wasn't! It was a brisk black tea I find so typical of the English, and with a little dollop of honey, it became a fine cup of afternoon tea, sweetened by both the honey and the friendship.


  1. That box, and the packaging of the individual teabags, are both unique and adorable! What a nice gift for you, and even better that the tea tastes good.

  2. I bought some tea in the Buckingham Palace giftshop (when Elizabeth was still queen). I actually bought it for the lovely metal tin, but the tea was really good! It was called Georgian Breakfast Tea (black tea with bergamot flavor).


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