Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Teatime with children

I am pleased to report that the watermelon tea was a hit with my little neighbors who've been coming over for teatime. Here's the single photo I thought to take yesterday, just the leftovers on the tray I had carried outdoors to the tea garden and a few of the tiny glasses I use for cubes of fruit, which appear to make them quite happy.

So far, they've most seemed to enjoy using the small teaspoons for their tea, the honey dispenser, and the small dessert forks.

One day, Adelaide was very carefully holding the lid on the teapot while she poured herself some more tea (and if I should ever chip a teapot in service to entertaining children, so be it!), and it occurred to me that I should get one of those little drip catchers that holds the lid on, so I'll be purchasing one of those soon. I also want to introduce the kiddos to my little "lemon bird" that squeezes lemon into the tea. They've already used a tea strainer but didn't seem particularly impressed by that. I haven't entertained very young children in years, so what am I forgetting? Any suggestions on gadgets or tea wares to make tea even more fun for little ones? I'm enjoying our teatimes even more than they are!


  1. God Bless you Angela, I promise those children will always remember you . They will remember that an adult made time for them and taught them about something interesting.

  2. I found that having tea parties with children is so much fun and enlightening! I've use my best tea cups and pots for these parties and the children were so careful. They know the difference between "fake", as I was told by one of them, and the real tea cups. They enjoyed the decorated sugar cubes. One little boy told me, after using 4 cubes, he was made for sugar cubes! For birthday parties we played Pass the Parcel and read Miss Spiders Tea Party many times. I'm sure you are having as much fun as they are. Blessings to you. Judy

  3. What wonderful memories you are making for your neighbors. I am glad you are letting them use the good china. That is usually extra special for young friends.

  4. Sugar cubes for sure! And use that “real” teapot. I love that you are making tea memories with your precious neighbors.

  5. How lovely Angela! Yes, sugar cubes for sure. Have you thought of a little chat about manners? I was Miss Manners for children’s tea parties at a tea room. Do you have someone play ‘mother’? Also, have you read the book by Sarah Ferguson, Teatime for Ruby? She has to learn some manners because she is having tea with the queen. It turns out tea is with her grandmother. Of course, that would be the Queen, if Sarah Ferguson wrote it about her daughter. 😊

  6. Quite a few years ago my daughter & I annually hosted a tea for college-aged young ladies (involved with the Baptist Student Ministry on a local campus). Some would be concerned that we were using good china. We tried to reassure them that they were special & we wanted to treat them as special.

  7. It sounds like the kids are really having a great time at your special tea-times for them!
    I hope you have sugar tongs for the sugar cubes--I collect sugar tongs myself and think they're fun to use. Do you have a china "cream cow"? One of those should be fun for the kids to use if they put milk in their tea.


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